A Guide To The Dragons of Dragonland - The New Teamfight Tactics Updat (2024)

A Guide To The Dragons of Dragonland - The New Teamfight Tactics Updat (1)


Come one, come all to the new set of Teamfight Tactics, the highly hectic and hilarious League of Legends strategy game!

Whereas the “Hextech” theme of the last set featured mechanisms, robots, and a scientific spin on sorcery, the new theme is intended to take a step away and dive into the deeper and ‘elder sources of magic’ that still dwell in the distant places in the world of Runeterra. In this highly anticipated set, players will depart into the dangers of Dragonland, and fight against or alongside the ancient dragons themselves.

In this article we will review all the things you need to know about the new set! Featured topics include:

  • New Set Changes & Features
  • Traits, Types & Bonuses
  • Champions & Abilities
  • Items & Bonuses
  • Miscellaneous Features

New Set Changes & Features

Leave the comforts and chemicals of Piltover & Zaun behind, and enter the excitement and dangers of the Dragonlands.

A quick summary of the major changes to Teamfight Tactics mechanics:

  • The Treasure Dragon
    • A new replacement to the raptors on Stage 4 – 7 offering a set of items and bonuses. Players can take the set or take the chance to wager 1 gold for a reroll of the whole set of items.
  • The Dragons of Dragonland
    • The new set focuses on the power and glamour of the ancient dragons. This new trait carries heavy bonuses, and champions are stacked with heightened stats and extraordinary strength in exchange for taking up two unit slots on your battlefield.
  • Augment Changes & Updates
    • Yes, the beloved augments are remaining in the game! As a favorite mechanic of the devs and fans alike, the augments were a big focus for the new set. Updates to the bonuses, balancing of the tiers, and an addition of “augment refills” helps players develop more unique playstyles.

The Treasure Dragon

This new visitor to TFT is a mysterious and magnificent new mid-late game mechanic that keeps players more on target to achieving their master plan. The Treasure Dragon enters the Teamfight in Stage 4 – 7 and offers a batch of items and a totem to bestow upon the players. Whereas the raptors' random rewards could bring fun mixtures of items, the chaotic chances could also cause heartbreak far too often.

The Treasure Dragon gives the players two options – take it or leave it. Players can choose to keep all of the items that are presented or pay 1 gold to reroll them all into an entirely new set of items. This change brings a certain amount of focus to the randomness that helps players ensure they aren’t given an entire batch of items that don’t fit their build right before entering the high-stakes stages of late game.

The Dragons of Dragonland

The Ancient Dragons have long waited for the chance to bring the excitement of Teamfight Tactics to the Dragonlands.

The Dragons take on the role of Battleboss for your team with a tremendous amount of bonus health, damage, and presence on the map by counting as 3 towards the Dragon-trait bonus. The trade-off is dragons cost two unit-slots to place on your battlefield and their price is double the usual price for their rarity. This means:

  • Grey – cost 2 (from 1)
  • Green – cost 4 (from 2)
  • Blue – cost 6 (from 3)
  • Purple – cost 8 (from 5)
  • Gold – cost 10 (from 10)

The Dragon champions featured are:

  • Daeja:
    • Tier 4, 8-cost, Mirage
  • Idas:
    • Tier 4, 8-cost, Shimmerscale, Guardian
  • Shi Oh Yu:
    • Tier 4, 8-cost Jade, Mystic
  • Shyvana:
    • Tier 5, 10-cost Ragewing, Shapeshifter
  • Sy’fen:
    • Tier 4, 8-cost, Whispers, Bruiser
  • Ao Shin:
    • Tier 5, 10-cost, Tempest
  • Aurelion Sol:
    • Tier 5, 10-cost, Astral, Evoker

The Dragon Trait is powerful, and is fully reviewed below.

Augment Changes & Updates

Augments were popular, and a powerful tool to make your teams feel unique from your opponents and feel different from game to game. This set intends to enhance that by bringing in new and more augments and mechanics, including:

  • Augment Rerolls: Once per game players can reroll the choice of augments given to them. This helps ensure that those sticky situations players once found themselves in, where no augments fit with the team that they have invested in will be far less common.
  • ImprovedTrait Augments: One of the greatest feelings in Teamfight Tactics is when you have a build you have invested in, your characters are leveled up, and that last Augment is specifically made to fit with the trait you just completed. This set seeks to make that more common, and to improve on that experience by increasing the quantity and dynamics of those Augments.
  • Balanced Augment Tiers: The power-scaling of the Augment Tiers has been balanced to bring them a little closer together. This should help keep a little more consistency in the resourcefulness the Augments provide.

Traits, Types & Bonuses

A Guide To The Dragons of Dragonland - The New Teamfight Tactics Updat (2)


Astral - 7 Champions

Every 5th Shop has increased odds to show Astral champions, and also grants an Astral orb. Your team gains bonus Ability Power.

  • 3 Champs - 5 Ability Power
  • 6 Champs - 30 Ability Power, Orb Value Increases
  • 9 Champs – 60 Ability Power

Champions Include:

  • Nidalee: Tier 1 Shapeshifter
  • Skarner: Tier 1 Bruiser
  • Vladimir: Tier 1 Mage
  • Nami: Tier 2 Mage, Mystic
  • Illaoi: Tier 3 Bruiser
  • Varus: Tier 3 Swiftshot
  • Aurelion Sol: Tier 5, 10-cost Evoker Dragon

Guild5 Champions

Grant a unique bonus to your team; Guild members gain double the amount. Increases for each Guild member in play! Sejuani: +100 Health Twitch: +10% Attack Speed Ryze: +10 Ability Power Talon: +10 Attack Damage Bard: +2 Mana per attack Emblem: +3% Omnivamp (healing for a percentage of damage dealt)

  • 1 Champ - 100% Guild Bonus
  • 2 Champs - 120% Guild Bonus
  • 3 Champs - 140% Guild Bonus
  • 4 Champs - 160% Guild Bonus
  • 5 Champs - 180% Guild Bonus
  • 6 Champs - 200% Guild Bonus

Champions Include:

  • Sejuani: Tier 1 Cavalier + Health
  • Twitch: Tier 2 Swiftshot +Attack Speed
  • Ryze: Tier 3 Mage + Ability Power
  • Talon: Tier 4 Assassin + Attack Damage
  • Bard: Tier 5 Bard, Mystic + Mana per attack
  • Guild Emblem: + Omnivamp

Jade - 8 Champions

Summon movable Jade Statues that grow in power. Each combat, allies adjacent to a statue gain Attack Speed and maximum Health healing every 2 seconds. When a statue is destroyed, it deals 33% of its Health as magic damage to nearby enemies.

  • 3 Champ – 1 Statue, +2% Healing, +20% Attack Speed
  • 6 Champs – 2 Statues, +5% Healing, +40% Attack Speed
  • 9 Champs – 3 Statues, +8% Healing, +60% Attack Speed
  • 12 Champs - 4 Statues, +25% Healing, +100% Attack Speed

Champions Include:

  • Karma: Tier 1 Dragonmancer
  • Taric: Tier 1 Bruiser
  • Ashe: Tier 2 Dragonmancer, Swiftshot
  • Gnar: Tier 2 Shapeshifter
  • Anivia: Tier 3 Legend, Evoker
  • Neeko: Tier 4 Shapeshifter
  • Shi Oh Yu: Tier 4, 8-cost Dragon, Mystic
  • Soraka: Tier 5 Starcaller

Mirage - 5 Champions

Mirage champions gain a different Trait bonus from game to game.

  • Electric Overload: When attacking or being hit by an attack, gain a chance to deal 8% of their maximum Health as magic damage to adjacent enemies.
  • Warlord's Honor: After winning any combat, gain bonus Health and Ability Power. Increases by 10% per win, stacks up to 5 times!
  • Pirate's Greed: Gain a chest of loot after each player combat.
  • Dawnbringer's Determination: Once per combat, rapidly heal at 50% Health. Executioner's Edge: Always critically strike low Heath targets with Attacks and Abilities. Gain bonus Critial Strike Damage.
  • Spellsword's Enchantment: Each player combat, gain Ability Power per attack.
  • Duelist's Dexterity: Innate: Mirage units move faster. Attacks grant bonus Attack Speed, up to 10 stacks.

Champions Include:

  • Leona: Tier 1 Guardian
  • Yone: Tier 2 Warrior
  • Nunu: Tier 3 Cavalier
  • Daeja: Tier 4, 8-cost Dragon
  • Yasuo: Tier 5 Warrior, Dragonmancer

Ragewing – 8 Champions

Innate: Convert Mana to Rage; attacks generate 15 Rage. After casting an Ability, enrage for 4 seconds: +25% Attack Speed but can't gain Rage. Gain bonus stats when enraged:

  • 3 Champs - 50% Attack Speed, 30% Omnivamp
  • 6 Champs - 150% Attack Speed, 50% Omnivamp
  • 9 Champs – 250% Attack Speed, 80% Omnivamp

Champions Include:

  • Senna: Tier 1 Cannoneer
  • Sett: Tier 1 Dragonmancer
  • Kayn: Tier 2 Assassin, Shimmerscale
  • Shen: Tier 2 Bruiser, Warrior
  • Swain: Tier 3 Dragonmancer, Shapeshifter
  • Hecarim: Tier 4 Cavalier
  • Xayah: Tier 4 Swiftshot
  • Shyvana: Tier 5, 10-cost Dragon, Shapeshifter

Revel - 4 Champions

After dealing damage with an Ability, launch a firecracker that deals magic damage to a random enemy.

  • 2 Champs - 150 magic damage
  • 3 Champs -175 magic damage
  • 4 Champs – 225 magic damage
  • 5 Champs - 275 magic damage

Champions Include:

  • Tahm Kench: Tier 1 Bruiser
  • Jinx: Tier 2 Cannoneer
  • Corki: Tier 4 Cannoneer
  • Sona: Tier 4 Evoker

Scalescorn - 4 Champions

If you don't have a Dragon on your team, Scalescorn champions deal bonus magic damage and take 25% reduced damage from enemies with more than 2200 Health.

  • 2 Champs - 25% magic damage
  • 4 Champs -50% magic damage
  • 6 Champs – 80% magic damage

Champions Include:

  • Braum: Tier 2 Guardian
  • Lillia: Tier 2 Cavalier, Mage
  • Diana: Tier 3 Assassin
  • Olaf: Tier 3 Bruiser, Warrior

Shimmerscale - 5 Champions

Grant exclusive random Shimmerscale items.

  • 3 Champs - 1 unique item
  • 5 Champs - 2 unique items
  • 7 Champs - 3 unique items
  • 9 Champs - 5 unique items, which includes Crown of Champions

These items are:

  • Draven’s Axe: Gain 1 Attack Damage per gold in your bank (up to 80). Every attack, this item gains 1 stack. At 100 stacks, gain 10 gold and 1 item component.
  • Goldmancer’s Staff: Gain 1 Ability Power per gold in your bank (up to 80) and a 40% chance to drop 2 gold on enemy kill.
  • Determined Investor: After the holder dies 8 times: This item returns to your item tray and transforms into Diamond Hands. Then you will gain 1 Champion Duplicator and 15 gold.
  • Diamond Hands: Once per combat at 66% and 33% Health, gain 1 gold and immunity for 2 seconds.
  • Philosopher’s Stone: Refreshing your Shop adds a stack to Philosopher's Stone. Each Shop refresh has a chance to copy the holder and consume all stacks. More expensive champions are harder to copy.

Champions Include:

  • Aatrox: Tier 1 Warrior
  • Kayn: Tier 2 Ragewing, Assassin
  • Volibear: Tier 3 Dragonmancer, Legend
  • Idas: Tier 4, 8-cost, Dragon, Guardian
  • Zoe: Tier 5 Mage, Spell-Thief

Tempest - 5 Champions

After 8 seconds, lightning strikes that battlefield. Enemies are stunned for 1 second and take a percent of their maximum Health as true damage. Tempest champions gaian Attack Speed.

  • 2 Champs - 10% damage, 25% Attack Speed
  • 4 Champs - 20% damage, 50% Attack Speed
  • 6 Champs - 30% damage, 80% Attack Speed
  • 8 Champs - 45% damage, 150% Attack Speed

Champions Include:

  • Ezreal: Tier 1 Swiftshot
  • Qiyana: TIer 2 Assassin
  • Lee Sin: Tier 3 Dragonmancer
  • Ornn: Tier 4 Bruiser, Legend
  • Ao Shin: Tier 5 Dragon

Trainer – 3 Champions

Every round, each Trainer feeds 1 Snax per star level to Nomsy, adding Health and Ability Power. Nomsy's star level increases every 25 Snax!

  • 2 Champs - Summon Nomsy!
  • 3 Champs - Nomsy’s Ability deals 100% more damage.

Champions Include:

  • Heimerdinger: Tier 1 Mage
  • Tristana: Tier 2 Cannoneer
  • Lulu: Tier 3 Evoker, Mystic

Whispers – 5 Champions

Whispers damage shrinks enemies, reducing their Armor and Magic Resist by 40% for 6 seconds. When they damage a shrunken enemy, Whispers gain stacking bonuses:

  • 2 Champs - 1 Attack Damage and Ability Power
  • 4 Champs - 2 Attack Damage and Ability Power
  • 6 Champs - 4 Attack Damage and Ability Power
  • 8 Champs - 6 Attack Damage and Ability Power

Champions Include:

  • Thresh: Tier 2 Guardian
  • Sylas: Tier 3 Mage, Bruiser
  • Elise: Tier 3 Shapeshifter
  • Syfen: Tier 4 Dragon, Bruiser
  • Pyke: Tier 5 Assassin


Assassin – 5 Champions

Innate: When combat starts, Assassins leap to the enemy backline. Assassins' Abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and bonus Critical Strike Damage.

  • 2 Champs - 15% Crit Chance & 20% Crit Damage
  • 4 Champs - 30% Crit Chance & 40% Crit Damage
  • 6 Champs - 45% Crit Chance & 60% Crit Damage

Champions Include:

  • Kayn: Tier 2 Ragewing, Shimmerscale
  • Qiyana: Tier 2 Tempest
  • Diana: Tier 3 Scalescorn
  • Talon: Tier 4 Guild
  • Pyke: Tier 5 Whispers

Bard – 1 Champion

Allies that survive player combat have a 2% chance to create a Doot. Bard always creates a Doot when dancing. Each Doot you collect increases your Shop odds for higher-tier champions by 1%.

Champions Include:

Bard: Tier 5 Mystic, Guild

Bruiser – 8 Champions

Your team gains bonus maximum Health. Bruisers gain double this bonus.

  • 2 Champs -200 Health
  • 4 Champs - 350 Health
  • 6 Champs - 500 Health
  • 8 Champs - 800 Health

Champions Include:

  • Tahm Kench: Tier 1 Revel
  • Skarner: Tier 1 Astral
  • Shen: Tier 2 Ragewing, Warrior
  • Olaf: Tier 3 Scalescorn, Warrior
  • Sylas: Tier 3 Whispers, Mage
  • Illaoi: Tier 3 Astral
  • Ornn: Tier 4 Tempest, Legend
  • Syfen: Tier 4 Whispers, Dragon

Cannoneer – 4 Champions

Every 5th attack fires a cannon shot that explodes for physical damage around the target.

  • 2 Champs - 150% Attack Damage
  • 3 Champs -175% Attack Damage
  • 4 Champs - 225% Attack Damage
  • 5 Champs - 275% Attack Damage

Champions Include:

  • Senna: Tier 1 Ragewing
  • Jinx: Tier 2 Revel
  • Tristana: Tier 2 Trainer
  • Revel: Tier 4 Revel

Cavalier – 4 Champions

Innate: Charge quickly towards their target whenever they move. Cavaliers gain Armor and Magic Resist. At the start of combat and after each charge, gain double the amount for 4 seconds.

  • 2 Champs - 40 Armor, 40 Magic Resist
  • 3 Champs - 60 Armor, 60 Magic Resist
  • 4 Champs - 80 Armor, 80 Magic Resist
  • 5 Champs - 100 Armor, 100 Magic Resist

Champions Include:

  • Sejuani: Tier 1 Guild
  • Lillia: Tier 2 Scalescorn, Mage
  • Nunu: Tier 3 Mirage
  • Hecarim: Tier 4 Ragewing

Dragon – 7 Champions

Dragons provide +3 to their origin trait but require 2 team slots. They also gain 750 bonus Health. This trait is active with exactly 1 Dragon champion.

Champions Include:

  • Daeja: Tier 4, 8-cost, Mirage
  • Idas: Tier 4, 8-cost, Shimmerscale, Guardian
  • Shi Oh Yu: Tier 4, 8-cost Jade, Mystic
  • Shyvana: Tier 5, 10-cost Ragewing Shapeshifter
  • Sy’fen: Tier 4, 8-cost, Whispers, Bruiser
  • Ao Shin: Tier 5, 10-cost, Tempest
  • Aurelion Sol: Tier 5, 10-cost, Astral, Evoker

Dragonmancer – 7 Champions

Use the Dragonmancer Blessing item to choose a Hero. The Hero gains massively increased Health and Ability Power, which increases by 10% per star level of your Dragonmancers.

  • 3 Champs - 450 Health, +20% Ability Power
  • 6 Champs - 1350 Health, +60% Ability Power
  • 9 Champs - 2250 Health, +100% Ability Power

Champions Include:

  • Karma: Tier 1 Jade
  • Sett: Tier 1 Ragewing
  • Ashe: Tier 2 Jade Swiftshot
  • Lee Sin: Tier 3 Tempest
  • Swain: Ragewing Shapeshifter
  • Volibear: Tier 3 Shimmerscale Legend
  • Yasuo: Tier 5 Mirage Warrior

Evoker – 4 Champions

Evokers gain Mana whenever an ally or enemy casts an Ability.

  • 2 Champs - 3 Mana
  • 4 Champs - 6 Mana
  • 6 Champs - 10 Mana

Champions Include:

  • Anivia: Tier 3 Jade, Legend
  • Lulu: Tier 3 Trainer, Mystic
  • Sona: Tier 4 Revel
  • Aurelion Sol: Tier 5 Dragon, Astral

Guardian – 5 Champions

Once per combat at 50% Health, Guardians shield themselves and their closest ally for a percent of their maximum Health. Shields stack!

  • 2 Champs - 35% of max health shield
  • 4 Champs - 50% of max health shield
  • 6 Champs - 65% of max health shield

Champions Include:

  • Jade: Tier 1 Mirage
  • Taric: Tier 1 Jade
  • Thresh: Tier 2 Whispers
  • Braum: Tier 2 Scalescorn
  • Idas: Tier 4 Dragon, Shimmerscale

Legend – 3 Champions

Each combat: An adjacent ally sacrifices their life to the Legend, which gains 100% of their Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance, plus 40% of their Ability Power. (Bonus requires 3 Legends in play to become active)

Champions Include:

  • Anivia: Tier 3 Jade, Evoker
  • Volibear: Tier 3 Shimmerscale, Dragonmancer
  • Ornn: Tier 4 Tempest, Bruiser

Mage – 7 Champions

Mages cast twice and have modified total Ability Power.

  • 3 Champs - 75% Ability Power
  • 5 Champs - 100% Ability Power
  • 7 Champs - 125% Ability Power
  • 9 Champs - 150% Ability Power

Champions Include:

  • Heimerdinger: Tier 1 Trainer
  • Vladimir: Tier 1 Astral
  • Lillia: Tier 2 Scalescorn, Cavalier
  • Nami: Tier 2 Astral, Mystic
  • Ryze: Tier 3 Guild
  • Sylas: Tier 3 Whispers, Bruiser
  • Zoe: Tier 5 Spell-Thief, Shimmerscale

Mystic – 4 Champions

Your team gains Magic Resist.

  • 2 Champs - 50 Magic Resist
  • 3 Champs - 100 Magic Resist
  • 4 Champs - 175 Magic Resist
  • 5 Champs - 300 Magic Resist

Champions Include:

  • Nami: Tier 2 Astral, Mage
  • Lulu: Tier 3 Trainer, Evoker
  • Shi Oh Yu: Tier 4 Jade, Dragon
  • Bard: Tier 5 Guild, Bard

Shapeshifter – 6 Champions

Transforming grants bonus maximum Health.

  • 2 Champs - 50% maximum Health
  • 4 Champs - 100% maximum Health
  • 6 Champs - 150% maximum Health

Champions Include:

  • Nidalee: Tier 1 Astral
  • Gnar: Tier 2 Jade
  • Elise: Tier 3 Whispers
  • Swain: Tier 4 Dragonmancer, Ragewing
  • Neeko: Tier 4 Jade
  • Shyvana: Tier 5 Dragon, Ragewing

Spell-Thief – 1 Champion

Zoe nabs a new Ability after each cast and at the start of every round.

Champions Include:

  • Zoe: Tier 5 Jade

Starcaller – 1 Champion

The first Starcaller (Soraka) to cast their Ability during player combat heals you for (2/3/75), depending on their star level. Excess healing disintegrates an enemy champion.

Champions Include:

  • Soraka: Tier 5 Shimmerscale, Mage

Swiftshot – 5 Champions

Innate: gain 2 hex Attack Range. Swhiftshots gain Attack Speed for each hex between themselves and their target.

  • 2 Champs - 12% Attack Speed
  • 4 Champs - 25% Attack Speed
  • 6 Champs - 40% Attack Speed

Champions Include:

  • Ezreal: Tier 1 Tempest
  • Twitch: Tier 2 Guild
  • Ashe: Tier 2 Jade, Dragonmancer
  • Varus: Tier 3 Astral
  • Xayah: Tier 4 Ragewing

Warrior – 5 Champions

Warrior attacks have a 33% chance to increase the damage of their next attack.

  • 2 Champs - 120% damage
  • 4 Champs - 200% damage
  • 6 Champs - 300% damage

Champions Include:

  • Aatrox: Tier 1 Shimmerscale
  • Shen: Tier 2 Ragewing, Bruiser
  • Yone: Tier 2 Mirage
  • Olaf: Tier 3 Scalescorn, Bruiser
  • Yasuo: Tier 5 Mirage, Dragonmancer


Tier 1 - 13 Champions

Aatrox – Shimmerscale • Warrior

Deathbringer Strike 50 / 100

Aatrox strikes his target for a % of his Attack Damage, and heals himself.

  • Percent of Attack Damage: 300% / 305% / 310%
  • Healing: 300 / 350 / 400

Ezreal – Tempest • Swiftshot

Mystic Shot 0 / 40

Ezreal fires an energy bolt towards his target. The first enemy hit takes magic damage and grants Ezreal 10% bonus Attack Speed, stacking up to 5 times.

  • Damage: 175 / 250 / 350

Heimerdinger – Trainer • Mage

Egg Toss 40 / 80

Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing magic damage and stunning them.

  • Damage: 225 / 300 / 400
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 1.75 / 2

Karma – Jade • Dragonmancer

Inner Flame 0 / 50

Karma fires a burst of energy towards her target, dealing magic damage in a small area around the first enemy hit.

  • Damage: 225 / 300 / 375

Leona – Mirage • Guardian

Solar Barrier 40 / 80

Leona creates a barrier around herself, reducing all incoming damage for 4 seconds.

  • Damage Reduction: 30 / 40 / 60

Nidalee – Astral • Shapeshifter

Primal Surge 0 / 50

Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and gaining bonus movement speed and Attack Speed. While in cougar form, every 3rd attack swipes her target dealing 250% of her Attack Damage.

  • Attack Speed Bonus: 50% / 55% / 60%

Sejuani – Guild • Cavalier

Warrior's Wrath 50 / 90

Sejuani swings her mace wide, hitting all enemies in a cone for magic damage based on a % of her maximum Health. She quickly strikes again, repeating the damage on her target and the enemy directly behind it and stunning them.

  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 1.75 / 2

Senna – Ragewing • Cannoneer

Last Embrace 30 / 90

Senna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing 200% of her Attack Damage on a small area. The first enemy hit is dealt bonus magic damage.

  • Bonus Damage: 300 / 400 / 500

Sett – Ragewing • Dragonmancer

Knuckle Down 30 / 60

For the next 4 seconds, Sett gains Armor and Magic Resist, and every other punch deals 170% of his Attack Damage as bonus physical damage.

  • Armor and Magic Resist: 50 / 60 / 80

Skarner – Astral • Bruiser

Crystalline Exoskeleton 40 / 90

Skarner shields himself for 8 seconds, and gains Attack Speed while it holds.

  • Shield Amount: 275 / 325 / 375
  • Attack Speed Bonus: 160% / 180% / 200%

Taric – Jade • Guardian

Bastion 0 / 50

Taric grants himself and his closest ally a protective rune that increases Armor for 6 seconds.

  • Armor: 30 / 60 / 120

Vladimir – Astral • Mage

Transfusion 0 / 80

Vladimir deals magic damage to his target and heals himself.

  • Damage: 250 / 300 / 350
  • Healing: 200 / 250 / 300

Tahm Kench – Revel • Bruiser

Thicker Skin 60 / 120

Tahm Kench shields himself base shield amount plus 10% maximum Health for 6 seconds. While the shield holds enemies that damage him take magic damage, up to once every 3 seconds.

  • Shield Amount: 250 / 300 / 425
  • Damage: 75 / 100 / 125

Tier 2 – 13 Champions

Ashe – Jade • Dragonmancer • Swiftshot

Volley 50 / 100

Ashe fires a volley of 6 arrows. Enemies hit take magic damage and suffer 30% reduced Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

  • Damage: 90 / 125 / 175

Braum – Scalescorn • Guardian

Unbreakable 30 / 60

Braum raises his shield for 4 seconds, reducing his damage taken from that direction.

  • Damage Reduction: 60% / 70% / 80%

Gnar – Jade • Shapeshift

Mega Gnar 0 / 70

Gnar tarnsforms into Mega Form, jumping to his target and knocking up nearby enemies for 1 second. Gnar also gains Attack Damage and Armor, but reduces his Attack Range to 1.

  • Attack Damage: 40 / 70 / 130
  • Armor: 40 / 50 / 75

Jinx – Revel • Cannoneer

Flame Chompers 60 / 120

Jinx summons a line of traps centered on her target. Traps detonate after a brief delay, dealing magic damage and stunning enemies hit. Jinx gains 10 mana for each empty trap.

  • Damage: 300 / 400 / 550
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 1.5 / 2

Kayn – Ragewing • Shimmerscale • Assassin

Blade’s Reach 0 / 45

Kayn sweeps his scythe in a line through his target, dealing 250% of his Attack Damage to enemies hit and additional magic damage to the first enemy hit.

  • Bonus Damage: 100 / 150 / 225

Lillia – Scalescorn • Cavalier • Mage

Watch Out! 0 / 60

Lillia strikes a small area around her target's current location, dealing magic damage spread amongst all enemies hit and bonus magic damage to the enemy at the center of the blast.

  • Damage: 175 / 250 / 350
  • Bonus Damage: 175 / 250 / 350

Nami – Astral • Mage • Mystic

Ebb and Flow 40 / 80

Nami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces to 2 additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take magic damage and allies hit heal.

  • Damage: 175 / 225 / 275
  • Healing: 275 / 300 / 325

Qiyana – Tempest • Assassin

Elemental Blade 30 / 90

Qiyana dashes to the best position to strike enemies with her blade, dealing magic damage in a short line and disarming enemies hit.

  • Damage:200 / 250 / 325
  • Disarm Duration:1.5 / 1.75 / 2

Shen – Ragewing • Bruiser • Warrior

Flame’s Refuge 45 / 90

Shen creates a zone around himself, in which all nearby allies dodge Basic Attacks. While it's active, Shen gains Magic Resist.

  • Duration: 2.5 / 3 / 4
  • Magic Resist: 50 / 75 / 100

Thresh – Whispers • Guardian

Death Sentence 150 / 150

Thresh hooks the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage, stunning them for 2 seconds and pulling them towards himself over the duration.

  • Damage: 250 / 400 / 800

Tristana – Trainer • Cannoneer

Explosive Charge 0 /60

Tristana fires up to 2 explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after 1 second, dealing a % of her Attack Damage to nearby enemies and bonus magic damage to the target.

  • Percent of Attack Damage:165% / 170% / 175%
  • Bonus Damage:130 / 160 / 200

Twitch – Guild • Swiftshot

Blast Potion 40 / 80

Twitch hurls an exploding flask at his target, dealing a % of his Attack Damage plus bonus magic damage and reducing the Armor of enemies hit by 40% for 5 seconds.

  • Bonus Damage: 50 / 75 / 100

Yone – Mirage • Warrior

Way of the Hunter

Passive: Yone's basic attacks alternate between dealing bonus magic damage and dealing 33% of his Attack Damage.

  • Damage: 100 / 150 / 200

Tier 3 - 13 Champions

Anivia – Jade • Evoker • Legend

Prismatic Storm 45 / 90

Anivia summons a prismatic storm around her target, dealing magic damage over 3 seconds. Enemies in the storm have their Magic Reisist reduced by 40%.

  • Damage: 300 / 400 / 600

Diana – Scalescorn • Assassin

Pale Cascade 50 / 100

Diana shields herself for 6 seconds and summons number of orbs around her. These orbs burst dealing magic damage when they hit an enemy. When the final orb bursts, her shield refreshes.

  • Number of Orbs: 6 / 7 / 8
  • Damage: 100 / 110 / 120
  • Shield Amount: 300 / 350 / 400

Elise – Whispers • Shapeshifter

Spider Form 0 / 40

Elise transforms into Spider Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and replacing her ability with Venomous Bite, which she immediate casts. Venemous Bite: Elises's next attack deals bonus magic damage. If this kills her target she ascends, becoming untargetable before dropping near the lowest Health enemy and immediately casting Venomous Bite again.

  • Damage: 225 / 275 / 325

Illaoi – Astral • Bruiser

Cosmic Lash 50 / 100

Illaoi slams her idol into the ground, summoning 3 tentacles that lash out, dealing magic damage to enemies in a cone. Illaoi steals 40% Armor and Magic Resist from each enemy hit for 5 seconds.

  • Damage: 125 / 175 / 250

Lee Sin – Tempest • Dragonmancer

Dragon’s Rage 0 / 70

Lee Sin kicks his target, stunning them for 1.5 seconds and knocking them back. The target and all enemies they hit take magic damage.

  • Damage: 275 / 325 / 425

Lulu – Trainer • Mystic • Evoker

Whimsy 70 / 140

Lulu enchants the nearest units. Enchanted allies gain Attack Speed for 5 seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for 1.5 seconds, taking 20% increased damage while stunned. If there are fewer units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.

  • Number of Targets: 3 / 4 / 5
  • Attack Speed Bonus: 70% / 80% / 120%

Nunu – Mirage • Cavalier

Consume 40 / 100

Nunu encourages Willump to bite his target, dealing magic damage. If Willump's target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional 33% damage and becomes true damage.

  • Damage: 350 / 500 / 900

Olaf – Scalescorn • Bruiser • Warrior

Recklessness 50 / 100

Passive: Olaf seeks glorious death, permanently gaining 5 Attack Damage (10 in Hyper Roll) whenever he dies. Active: Olaf strikes his target, dealing 200% of his Attack Damage and gaining Attack Speed for 6 seconds. If he's below 50% Health, the Attack Speed is doubled.

  • Attack Speed Bonus: 40% / 50% / 60%

Ryze – Guild • Mage

Overload 0 / 20

Ryze hurls 1 arcane orb at his target, dealing a % of his maximum Mana. Each cast increases his maximum Mana by 20 and the number of orbs thrown by 1.

  • Percent of Max Mana: 200% / 300% / 500%

Swain – Ragewing • Dragonmancer • Shapeshifter

Draconic Ascension 0 / 45

Swain transforms into Dragon Form, replacing his attacks with fireballs that deal magic damage and replacing his Ability with Greater Fireball. Greater Fireball: Swain's next fireball deals 100% more damage and explodes in an area around his target.

  • Damage:70 / 110 / 165

Sylas – Whispers • Mage • Bruiser

Petricite Burst 50 / 100

Sylas whirls his chains, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and applying Mana-Reave, increasing the cost of their next ability by 35%. If this hits at least 1 Mana-Reaved enemy Sylas shields himself for 6 seconds.

  • Damage: 150 / 225 / 350
  • Shield Amount: 700 / 750 / 800

Varus – Astral Swiftshot

Chain of Constellations 60 / 120

Varus sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing 250% of his Attack Damage and stunning them. Tendrils then spread to 3 nearby enemies, dealing magic damage and stunning them for the remainder of the duration.1

  • Damage: 100 / 180 / 300
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 1.75 / 2

Volibear – Shimmerscale • Dragonmancer • Legend

Relentless Storm 0 / 60

Volibear rages, gaining bonus Health. For the rest of combat, every 3rd attack deals bonus magic damage to the target, and magic damage to additional enemies.

  • Bonus Health: 375 / 650 / 1200
  • Damage: 160 / 175 / 190
  • Number of Targets: 3 / 4 / 5

Tier 4– 7 Champions

Corki – Revel • Cannoneer

Missile Barrage 0 / 70

Corki launches a barrage of 4 missiles at his target, each dealing 60% of his Attack Damage. The final missile is The Big One and deals a % of Attack damage plus bonus magic damage in a large area.

  • Percent of Attack Damage:175% / 180% / 250%
  • Bonus Damage:125 / 200 / 500

Hecarim – Ragewing • Cavalier

Onslaught of Shadow 75 / 120

Hecarim summons spectral riders that charge through his target, dealing magic damage and stunning enemies hit.

  • Damage: 150 / 250 / 1000
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 2 / 8

Neeko – Jade • Shapeshifter

Inherent Glamour 0 / 150

Each Combat: Neeko disguises herself as the nearest allied champion, adding their bonus Attack Damage and Attack Speed to her own and copying all other stats except Health. She then gains a shield for an amount plus a % of her ally's Health. When the shield breaks she transforms into Neeko Form, reverts back to her own stats, and casts Pop Blossom, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. Neeko then casts Pop Blossom each time she reaches maximum mana.

  • Shield Amount: 275 / 400 / 1200
  • Shield Health Ratio: 10% / 20% / 50%
  • Damage: 300 / 425 / 1500

Ornn – Tempest • Bruiser • Legend

Stampede 80 / 100

Ornn summons an elemental that charges towards Ornn through the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for 3 seconds. When the elemental reaches Ornn, he redirects it towards another distant enemy, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and stunning them.

  • Damage: 150 / 250 / 1000
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 2 / 8

Sona – Revel • Evoker

Crescendo 100 / 160

Sona plays her ultimate chord toward the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to enemies and stunning them.

  • Damage:190 / 275 / 1000
  • Stun Duration:1 / 1 / 4

Talon – Guild • Assassin

Shadow Assault 75 / 125

Talon stealths for 1.5 seconds and flings out a ring of blades, dealing a % of his Attack Damage to enemies hit. He then leaps to the farthest enemy within 4 hexes and recalls the blades, dealing that damage again and dealing 325% of his Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage to his target.

  • Damage:125 / 175 / 500
  • Percent of Attack Damage:50% / 50% / 200%

Xayah – Ragewing • Swiftshot

Feathers FLY! 0 / 60

For 4 seconds, Xayah's attacks she fires a feather behind her target and nearby enemies. At the end of this duration, Xayah recalls her feathers, dealing a % of her Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage per feather to enemies struck.

  • Bonus Feathers:2 / 2 / 5
  • Bonus Damage:15 / 25 / 75

Tier 5 – 5Champions

Bard – Guild • Mystic • Bard

Tempered Fate 120 / 200

Bard sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, stunning them for a few seconds and causing them to take increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, Bard dances in celebration.

  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 2 / 15
  • Increased Damage: 15% / 20% / 9999%

Pyke – Whispers Assassin

Death From Below 0 / 50

Pyke dives toward the lowest Health enemy and slashes in an X, dealing magic damage to his target and magic damage to other enemies struck. Enemies hit suffer 50% reduced healing for 8 seconds. If Pyke hits an enemy at or below % Health he executes them and immediately recasts Death From Below.

  • Damage: 275 / 375 / 5000
  • Secondary Damage: 175 / 275 / 5000
  • Execution Threshold: 25% / 33% / 100%

Soraka – Jade • Starcaller

Starfall 100 / 200 Passive: While any ally is below 50% Health, Soraka gains an additional 15 mana per attack. Active: Soraka calls down a shower of stars over the next 2 seconds. Allies are healed each time a star hits them.

  • Healing:100 / 150 / 1000

Yasuo – Mirage • Dragonmancer • Warrior

Sweeping Blade 0 / 25

Yasuo shields himself for 2 seconds and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for a % of his Attack Damage. Every third cast, his slash deals triple damage, hits a larger area, and knocks up enemies for 1.5 seconds. If Yasuo hits only the last enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.

  • Percent of Attack Damage:195% / 200% / 2000%
  • Shield Amount:180 / 240 / 2500

Zoe – 60 / 120

Nothing! 60 / 120

Zoe nabs a spell from another dimension and casts it as if it were her own.

Dragons Tier 1(8-Cost) – 3Dragons

Daeja – Mirage • Dragon

Windblast 90 / 120

Passive: Daeja's attacks deal bonus magic damage and reduce the target's Magic Resist by 3. Active: Daeja sends a wind blast toward the largest group of enemies, dealing magic damage. For the next 10 seconds, Daeja's attacks launch three barrages.

  • Passive Damage: 35 / 55 / 200
  • Windblast Damage: 100 / 175 / 1000

Idas – Shimmerscale • Draon • Guardian

Golden Scales 80 / 150

Idas hardens her scales for 2 seconds, reducing incoming damage. She then roars, healing herself and shielding other allies for 5 seconds. The shield grants 40% attack speed while it holds.

  • Damage Reduction: 50 / 75 / 300
  • Healing: 450 / 550 / 2500
  • Shield Amount: 200 / 300 / 2000

Shi Oh Yu – Jade • Mystic • Dragon

Jade Form 30 / 90

Shi Oh Yu enters Jade stance, gaining damage reduction, immunity to crowd control, and empowering her next 3 attacks with special effects that deal a % of her Attack Damage. Attack 1: Deals damage and knocks the target into the air for 1.5 second. Attack 2: Deals true damage. Attack 3: Ends the stance, dealing damage to all enemies in a line and knocking them up for 1.5 seconds.

  • Percent of Attack Damage:325% / 350% / 1000%
  • Damage Reduction:20% / 25% / 50%

Dragons Tier 2(10-Cost) – 3Dragons

Ao Shin – Tempst • Dragon

Lightning Rain 0 / 160

Ao Shin fires a barrage of 20 lightning strikes at random enemies. Each strike deals magic damage and drains 20 Mana from his target.

  • Damage: 250 / 450 / 2500

Aurelion Sol – Astral • Evoker • Dragon

Black Hole 60 / 100

Aurelion Sol summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area and reducing their Attack Damage by 40 for 5 seconds. Each cast the area increases by 50% and damage by increases by 200.

  • Damage: 200 / 300 / 5000

Shyvana – Ragewing • Shapeshift • Dragon

Dragon’s Descent 0 / 30

Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form for the rest of combat, replacing her ability with Flame Breath. She then becomes untargetable before dive-bombing the largest group of enemies, dealing magic damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. Flame Breath: Shyvana breathes fire in a cone, dealing % of the enemy's maximum Health as magic damage.

  • Damage: 250 / 400 / 2000
  • Percent Damage: 30% / 40% / 200%


Tier 1 - Silver Augments


You cannot perform actions for the next 3 rounds. Afterwards, gain 20 gold.

Assassin Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Assassin. Gain a Kayn.

Astral Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Astral. Gain a Nami.

Axiom Arc 1

When your units kill an enemy they gain 20 Mana.

Band Of Thieves 1

Gain 1 Thief's Gloves.

Best Friends 1

Your units that start combat only adjacent to each other gain 15% Attack Speed and 15 Armor.

Big Friend

Your units that start combat next to a unit with over 2000 Health take 10% less damage for the rest of combat.

Bruiser Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Bruiser. Gain a Braum.

Cannoneer Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Cannoneer. Gain a Tristana

Cavalier Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Cavalier. Gain a Lillia.

Combat Training 1

Your Champions permanently gain 1 Attack Damage every time they kill an enemy unit. Champions start with 2 Attack Damage.

Dragonmancer Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Dragonmancer. Gain an Ashe.

Evoker Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Evoker. Gain a Lulu.

Guardian Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Guardian. Gain a Thresh.

Guild Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Guild. Gain a Twitch.

Jade Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Jade. Gain a Gnar.

Lategame Specialist

Gain 40 gold when you reach Level 9.

Mage Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Mage. Gain a Nami.

Mirage Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Mirage. Gain a Yone.

Mystic Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Mystic. Gain a Nami.


Champions on your bench permanently gain 6 Attack Damage and Ability Power every round, up to 24.

Ragewing Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Ragewing. Gain a Shen.

Revel Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Revel. Gain a Jinx.

Scalescorn Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Scalescorn. Gain a Braum.

Shapeshifter Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Shapeshifter. Gain a Gnar.

Shimmerscale Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Shimmerscale. Gain a Kayn.

Swiftshot Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Swiftshot. Gain a Twitch.

Tempest Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Tempest. Gain a Qiyana.

Warrior Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Warrior. Gain a Yone.

Whispers Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Whispers. Gain a Thresh.

Tier 2 - Gold Augments

Assassin Crest

Gain an Assassin Emblem and a Kayn.

Astral Crest

Gain a Astral Emblem and a Nami.

Axiom Arc 2

When your units kill an enemy they gain 30 Mana.

Beast's Den

Units that start combat next to at least 2 Shapeshifters gain 35% Attack Speed and Move Speed. Shapeshifters always gain this bonus. Gain a Gnar.

Best Friends 2

Your units that start combat only adjacent to each other gain 25% Attack Speed and 25 Armor.

Better Together

Aura items that buff your team have their effects increased by 33%. Gain a Locket of the Iron Solari.

Bruiser Crest

Gain a Bruiser Emblem and a Taric.

Cannoneer Crest

Gain a Cannoneer Emblem and a Jinx.

Cavalier Crest

Gain a Cavalier Emblem and a Sejuani.

Cluttered Mind

If your bench is full at the end of a round, gain 3 experience points.

Combat Training 2

Your Champions permanently gain 2 Attack Damage every time they kill an enemy unit. Champions start with 4 Attack Damage.


Assassins Mana-Reave the first unit they attack, increasing their maximum Mana by 35% until they cast. Assassins deal 20% more damage against Mana-Reaved targets. Gain a Qiyana.

Devastating Charge

Cavalier's first attack after charging deals 90 magic damage, increased by 1% for each Armor and Magic Resist they have. Gain a Lillia.

Dragon Alliance

The Dragon trait remains active regardless of how many Dragons you have. Dragons gain 25 Armor and Magic Resist. Gain a random Tier 4 Dragon.

Dragon Horde

The Dragon trait remains active regardless of how many Dragons you have. Dragons gain 15 Attack Damage and Ability Power. Gain a random Tier 4 Dragon.

Dragonmancer Crest

Gain a Dragonmancer Emblem and an Ashe.

Essence Theft

Evoker's attacks steal 5 Mana from their target. Gain a Lulu.

Eternal Protection

When one of your Jade champions would die, the nearest Jade Statue protects them, losing 70% of its max Health and transferring 200% of that amount to the champion.. Gain an Ashe.

Evoker Crest

Gain an Evoker Emblem and a Lulu.

Eye Of The Storm

At the start of combat, the unit in the center of the board gains 50 Ability Power, increased to 150 after Tempest lightning strikes. Gain a Qiyana.

Gadget Expert

Direct Damage items deal 40% more damage as true damage. Gain a Statikk Shiv.

Gear Upgrades

Guild champions holding an item gain 25 Armor and another 200% of their Guild bonus. Gain a Twitch.

Guardian Crest

Gain a Guardian Emblem and a Braum.

Guild Crest

Gain a Guild Emblem and a Twitch.


Mirage champions take 90% less damage for the first 5 seconds of combat. Gain a Yone.

Heroic Presence

Guardians taunt all enemies every 2 seconds. Enemies that attack a Guardian's shield take magic damage equal to 6% of the shielded unit's max Health (up to once per second). Gain a Thresh.

Hot Shot

Cannoneer's cannon shots burn their targets, dealing 8% of the target's maximum Health as true damage over 4 seconds, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration of the burn. Gain a Tristana.


When the Dragonmancer Hero gets a takedown, champions that share a trait with the Dragonmancer Hero gain 60% Attack Speed for 3 seconds. Gain a Ashe.

Intercosmic Gifts

Astral Orbs have a 50% chance to spawn a smaller orb that contains bonus loot. Gain a Nami.

Jade Crest

Gain a Jade Emblem and a Ashe.

Last Stand

The first time you would die, instead drop to 1 Health. After this effect triggers, your units gain 200 Health, 20 Armor and Magic Resist, and 20% Omnivamp.

Loot Master

Gain a random component every 4 combat rounds when you have at least Guild (2) active. Gain a Twitch.

Mage Conference

While the Mage trait is active, a random Mage portals onto your bench after combat with a player. Gain a Lillia.

Mage Crest

Gain a Mage Emblem and a Vladimir.

Mirage Crest

Gain a Mirage Emblem and a Nunu.


Scalescorns gain 10% damage every time they start combat in a new hex, up to 30%. Gain a Lillia.

Pandora's Bench

Gain 5 gold. At the start of every turn, Champions in your 3 rightmost bench slots transform into random Champions of the same cost.

Party Favors

Gain 1 gold for every 6 firecrackers launched by Revel champions each combat. Additionally, gain a special prize the first time 100 total firecrackers are launched. Gain a Jinx.

Party Time!

After Revels score a takedown, they gain 75% Attack Speed for 3 seconds. Gain a Jinx.


Enemies are disarmed for 2.5 seconds the first time they attack a Jade Statue or are damaged by a Jade Statue's explosion. Gain a Gnar.

Personal Training

At the end of combat, Champions that started combat adjacent to Bruiser permanently gain 30 Health, increased by 20 if they survived. Gain a Shen.

Preparation 2

Champions on your bench permanently gain 8 Attack Damage and Ability Power every round, up to 32.

Press The Attack

Your Swiftshots' attacks apply a stack on their target for 5 seconds. Every third stack consumes all stacks to deal true damage equal to 5% of the target's maximum Health. Gain a Twitch.

Ragewing Crest

Gain a Ragewing Emblem and a Shen.

Reckless Spending

If you purchase both XP and a Shop Refresh during the Planning Phase, Shimmerscale champions gain 30% damage for the next combat phase. Gain a Kayn.

Rich Get Richer Plus

Gain 15 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to 7.


Cannoneer's cannon shots bounce once, dealing 50% less damage. Gain a Tristana.

Scalescorn Crest

Gain a Scalescorn Emblem and a Braum.


Every 5th instance of Ragewing champion's damage deals 40% more damage and is converted to true damage. Gain a Kayn.

Secret Snax

Trainers have a 33% chance to secretly feed their dragonling bonus Snax. Gain a Tristana.

Shimmerscale Crest

Gain a Shimmerscale Emblem and a Kayn.

Swiftshot Crest

Gain a Swiftshot Emblem and a Ashe.


After casting their first Ability, Ragewings restore 100% of their maximum Rage.

Tempest Crest

Gain a Tempest Emblem and a Qiyana.


Warrior's additional attacks deal 50% of their damage to enemies in a 1-hex area around their target. Gain a Yone.

Titanic Strength

Bruisers gain 2% of their Health as Attack Damage. Gain a Tahm Kench.

Twilight Umbrage

Units that start combat next to Whispers are stealthed for 5 seconds.

Urf's Grab Bag 1

Gain 1 Spatula and 1 random item component.

Warrior Crest

Gain a Warrior Emblem and a Shen.

Tier 3 - Prismatic Augments

Ancient Archives 2

Gain 2 Tome of Traits.

Assassin Crown

Gain an Assassin Emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Diana.

Astral Crown

Your team counts as having 1 additional Astral. Gain a Redemption and a Varus.

Best Friends 3

Your units that start combat only adjacent to each other gain 35% Attack Speed and 35 Armor.

Bruiser Crown

Gain a Bruiser Emblem, a Redemption, and an Illaoi.

Cannoneer Crown

Gain a Cannoneer Emblem, a Giant Slayer, and a Tristana.

Cavalier Crown

Gain a Cavalier Emblem, a Redemption, and a Nunu.

Cavalier Unity

The Cavalier trait grants its bonuses to all of your Champions. This does not increase your number of Cavaliers. Gain a Sejuani.

Combat Training 3

Your Champions permanently gain 3 Attack Damage every time they kill an enemy unit. Champions start with 6 Attack Damage.

Cruel Pact

Buying XP costs 3 Health instead of gold.

Cursed Crown

Gain +2 maximum team size, but take 100% increased player damage.

Dragonmancer Soul

Gain a Dragonmancer Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Lee Sin.

Evoker Crown

Gain an Evoker Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and an Anivia.

Guardian Crown

Gain a Guardian Emblem, a Gargoyle Stoneplate, and a Braum.

Guild Crown

Gain a Guild Emblem, a Giant Slayer and a Ryze.

Jade Crown

Your team counts as having 1 additional Jade. Gain an Ionic Spark and a Gnar.

Living Forge

Gain a random Ornn item now and after every 10 player combats.

Mage Crown

Gain a Mage Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Ryze.

Mirage Crown

Gain a Mirage Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Nunu.

Mystic Soul

Your team counts as having 1 additional Mystic. Gain a Spear of Shojin and a Lulu.

Preparation 3

Champions on your bench permanently gain 12 Attack Damage and Ability Power every round, up to 48.

Ragewing Crown

Gain a Ragewing Emblem, a Guinsoo's Rageblade, and a Swain.

Revel Crown

Gain a Revel Emblem, a Statikk Shiv, and a Jinx.

Scalescorn Crown

Gain a Scalescorn Emblem, a Giant Slayer, and a Diana.

Shapeshifter Soul

Your team counts as having 1 additional Shapeshifter. Gain a Hand of Justice and an Elise.

Shimmerscale Soul

Your team counts as having 1 additional Shimmerscale. Gain a Titan's Resolve and a Kayn.

Swiftshot Crown

Gain a Swiftshot Emblem, a Guinsoo's Rageblade, and a Varus.

Tempest Crown

Gain a Tempest Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Lee Sin.

Think Fast

Shop refreshes are free until the end of this round. Traits and other augments do not benefit from these free shops. Gain 8 gold.

Urf's Grab Bag 2

Gain 1 Spatula and 2 random item components.

Urf's Grab Bag 2 Plus

Gain 1 Spatula and 3 random item components.

Warrior Crown

Gain a Warrior Emblem, a Giant Slayer, and an Olaf.

Whispers Crown

Gain a Whispers Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and an Elise.


Gain 20 gold.

Windfall Plus

Gain 30 gold.

Windfall Plus Plus

Gain 40 gold.


Reworked Items



Damage heals the holder for 25% of the damage dealt. Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.

Dragon's Claw
+40 Magic Resist

Grant 120 bonus Magic Resist (including components). Regenerate 1.2% maximum Health for each enemy targeting the holder every 2 seconds. If the holder is a Dragon, increase ALL bonuses and effects by 20%.

Hextech Gunblade
+10 Attack Damage
Ability Power

Damage heals the holder, and the lowest Health ally, for 25% of the damage dealt.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.