all we are (is time that's counting down) - sourcherries (M0NNIEBEAM) (2024)

Chapter Text

Friday started slow and warm at the Hale House, the last days of summer gave everything a nice golden glow that made it all more poetic. Stiles was in the kitchen, their mornings were usually like this. They ate in silence, Stiles’ foot propped between Derek's thighs.

The physical touches started years ago, very slowly, just pats on the back, on the head, just to make sure the touches would help them stay bonded, now they couldn’t make sense of each other without the constant touches, the never-ending puppy piles, hugging, cuddling, sleeping on the same bed, the outsiders could never make sense of who was dating who and Stiles couldn’t deny how much fun he had messing around with that, he honest to God lost count of how many times he confirmed to people that “yes we are one big swing group, we believe that everyone can love everyone” “cult? no wouldn’t say that we just have really strong believes” the grannies were terrified of him and Derek forbid him from having any conversations while grocery shopping.

“The cubs said they were all coming tonight, so I have to go buy some stuff, and restock the snacks do we need anything else?” Derek was cleaning the table while Stiles was getting another cup of coffee. It was just the two of them right now, Peter was traveling with Chris on yet another pack business and Stiles was connecting dots he really didn’t want to connect.

“I love how you call them cubs after all these years and everyone pushing 30” Derek made a clicking sound with his tongue at that. “I don’t remember anything immediate right now but I could come with you, I finished this messy case file last night I don’t intend on working for a while”

“Sure, just keep away from the elderly” He played a little with Stiles’ hair “Just because of that I’m gonna invite that cashier who keeps hitting on you to our swing night” Derek made his way to his room, laughing.

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Stiles’ body was tingling all over, he was beyond tired. He had just spent over eight months working on a case with his team. It was one of those trick ones, mentally draining cases. A kid was kidnapped, and they were nothing but lucky that they had found the child alive. He felt like he hadn’t slept throughout the entirety of it. Just after lunch, he dragged his feet to the porch stairs and through the door.

“You’re back!” Scott’s voice came from the living room, smiling widely at him, not bothering to get up from where he was squeezed under Isaac and Erica’s weight. “Hey Scotty” he went to the back of the couch and messed with their hair. “We ate too much,” Erica said in a huff “Jackson made chili,” Isaac said eyes still closed “There’s leftovers in the fridge.” Scott said, “Thanks, but I’m gonna take a shower and sleep a little, ‘ll eat later” he mumbled not bothering to wait for an answer, climbing the stairs to his room.

He woke up around ten pm, wasted a few minutes scrolling on his phone until he was hungry enough to get up and go to the kitchen. He opened the fridge to find a couple of tupperwares and a post-it with his name. He was putting the container in the microwave when he heard someone coming down the stairs.

“You’re up.” Stiles said smiling at Derek’s figure, “Heard you coming to the kitchen” He sat in one of the chairs waiting for Stiles to join him at the table, the microwave biped and he sat beside the man. “Your hair is grown,” Derek said tucking a few strings of hair behind his ear, “yeah,” Stiles chuckled humorlessly “Didn’t have much time to think of that, but I’ll see if I can cut it later this week” Derek grunted unhappily “It looks good” Stiles stopped eating to look at him, “You think so?” he just grunted affirming.

“Tough case?” Derek asked, “Dude, like you couldn’t believe it!” Derek scowled “Don’t call me dude”

And Stiles barreled on his rant, and Derek listened to everything. They went back to sleep well past three in the morning.

Four days later they held a dinner for a family of wolves, they lived three towns over and just had a baby boy who they wanted to present to their alphas. The couple already had two little girls, who were overjoyed to be in a house full of wolves and a big backyard for them to run around.

Dinner was a loud affair, the girls didn’t want to stop playing and the newborn baby would fuss and cry every so often with all the noise, the other pack members weren’t known for being silent so everything was messy. Once Lucas, the baby, was prompted in Derek’s arms he became fond of him fairly quickly and stopped crying and kicking around but only when he found himself in Derek’s arms, Stiles would have paid more attention to that sight if the girls didn’t enroll him to play with them.

By the end of the night the girls didn’t want to give up on playing whoever tired they were, but somehow were convinced to come back to the house once Stiles said there were cool things to do back in there too. Twelve minutes later he was sitting on the living room ground with the girls braiding his hair, Erica and Kira helping them out here and there. It took almost an hour for them to surrender and admit they were tired and wanted to sleep.

“You look ridiculous” Derek deadpanned as soon as Stiles came into view “The girls worked really hard to achieve this look okay?” He said bopping his head a few times getting hit in the face by a few of the hair clips and barrettes “Want me to help you take it off?” Derek asked instead, “Please,” Stiles moaned “my scalp is itching” They sat at this little nook by the window that viewed a little of their backyard, Derek slowly and carefully undoing all the braids and knots left by the little ones, scratching his scalp a little after he was done.

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“Derek, oh my God, hi!” Bianca was stocking the shelves on the candy aisle. She was this blonde curvy girl in her mid-twenties who tried to make a move from the first time she laid eyes on Derek. “Hey Bianca” it was Stiles who greeted, “Oh, Stiles didn’t see you there.” she said with a hint of annoyance, “Of course, you didn’t” Stiles mocked.

In the beginning, Derek played nice, but the girl started to cross boundaries so Derek cut off any interaction with her. Stiles wasn’t fond of her either, and she loathed him, “What did you say you wanted from this section?” Derek carried on, like Bianca wasn’t there, “Yeah, Erica has a list of demands she even said she would kick your ass if you didn’t get exactly what she wants” Derek chuckled softly, “Anything I can help you find Derek?” Bianca tried to insert herself into the conversation, but Stiles responded again “We good here, thanks Bianca” She just grunted “Yeah whatever”

“Look” Stiles gave his phone to Derek, “What the hell does she need that much chocolate for?” Derek made a face, “I don’t know Der, but it would be super cool to see Erica kick your ass” he said smiling, “Maybe she should kick yours” Derek said pilling all the chocolate in their cart, a pile just for Erica and the other mixed with all the other cubs’ candies and chocolate choices. “Oh yeah, like you would let her big guy” Derek huffed, delicately pushing Stiles out of the aisle.

Nora was a new member of the pack, less than a year ago Peter received a call about a teenager who needed assistance after being attacked by a rogue alpha, small ironies, after a lot of back and forth her parents decided to move close to the pack, for Nora’s sake, Derek grew fond of the teenager. She now worked as a cashier.

“Hey kid,” Derek said, making her head snap towards their direction, her mess of colorful curls almost covering her bright smile, “Derek, Stiles, hi!”

“How’s sophom*ore year treating you?” Derek asked a pleased smile on his lips. “I hate every second of it! Everything smells bad, and it’s so loud ugh” he chuckled “Right, I used to complain about it all the time too, you’ll get used to it”

“Thank God I don’t have a super sensitive nose, I used to gag every time I had chemistry class” Derek countered “That’s not the worst, the boy’s locker room is” Stiles made a face to that, Nora concluded “And I’ll thank God that I’m not a boy”. Groceries properly bagged she looked around sneaked past the cashier tackled Derek in a quick hug and went for Stiles next. They said their goodbyes like that.

The rest of the day was uneventful, they prepared everything for the pack night, and little by little the house was getting louder and fuller, Derek thrived in that, even if they were too loud most of the time. When the eight pizza orders arrived, they all sat in the living room, most of them on the ridiculously gigantic custom-made couch because who were they if not cling, the loveseat on the right was Derek’s, but Stiles always squeezed himself in there. Jackson and Ethan occupied the loveseat on the left Danny squished between the two wolves.

“Alright guys now that everyone is here, I wanna announce something” Erica had that beautiful smile of hers, looking at Boyd knowingly, “Oh my God” Stiles whispered and Derek squeezed one of his calves to quietly ask him to shut up.

“I’m pregnant

“Oh my God” Stiles screamed this time, he was the first one to run to the couple’s embrace. The alphas were next and then everyone else was loudly congratulating and hugging and senting and Jesus they were a mess of puppy pile.

“Stiles are you crying?” He was laying his head on Erica’s belly. “Shut up, I’m not” “You totally are!” Boyd was helpful as always.

“He’s baby crazy, he can’t help it” Great Scott was laughing. “I didn’t know that!” Lydia had that big beautiful smile of hers, “Come on guys I think it’s cute” “Thanks Kira,” Stiles said sniffing “Come on baby boy you’re fine” “Baby boy really? You can do better than that Parrish” “Jackson you’re making it worse” Ethan nudged him gently, and now Stiles was bailing, “What if it is a baby boy?!” “Oh great” Malia complained somewhere and Kira tried to shush her but she was laughing too now.

“Let’s wash your face, come on” Now he was being manhandled by Derek, awesome.

“So you’re baby crazy” Derek was leaning at the bathroom door looking at Stiles through the mirror, more teasing than anything, Stiles whined, “Come on man, I’m just happy”.

Derek had that small smile on his face “I’m happy too” Stiles was trying to dry off his hair because he still didn’t get the handle of having longer hair. “I know you are, deep inside you’re just a big marshmallow” Derek huffed at that. They were mirroring each other now. “Yeah, yeah, wanna tell me why are you crying?”

“It’s stupid like I said I’m happy. But like,” He let go a big breath, shortened a little the distance “It’s the first one of our family you know, and it’s stupid but I always wanted this big family, and I’m not complaining about the current size, but kids man, kids!” Derek laughed a little, just a tiny amused breathy thing, got closer, and pulled Stiles by the belt loops hugging him, they stayed in silence like that. Stiles had his head buried on Derek’s neck.

Sometimes Stiles would look at the sky and pray that an external force would take the matters into their own hands and burst their bubbles on their behalf. Stiles and Derek built a bubble and silently decided to live there, and silence brings a lot of unspoken words that are daily screamed through actions. Derek let Stiles into his personal space, he was the only one who could squeeze himself onto the loveseat with him, they shared clothes, and more often than not a bed. But they still hadn’t crossed that line, they weren’t a couple. The line stretched and was wearing thin, he hoped that when it snapped it wouldn’t hurt so much.

It had been a long time since Stiles settled on this life alongside Derek. He hasn’t dated anyone in like seven years, but he didn’t miss it. He had everything he could possibly want right here, at home. Even tho, he felt like those little kids who would spend countless time staring at a showcase window, everything they wanted at an arm’s reach. The thing about silence is that it gets awkward if you let the time pass and if you end up missing the opportunity to talk, now, he knew that love was everywhere, he knew that it hadn’t been a day that he didn’t feel it, because everywhere that love was, Derek was there too.

“I want this house bursting with babies, honestly” Stiles mused more to himself than anything else, “If I go and steal some for us, can you be my alibi?” Derek laughed loudly at that.

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Stiles was a little too tired even to process all of Peter’s yapping, he just started his training and the pack had been having meetings all the time, he was about five seconds from snoozing in the middle of it with no regrets about it. “But to safely participate in reallocation we should be in the system, somehow” Chris interrupted Peter, “The best way would be to volunteer to be in the foster care system,” Lydia said making Stiles perk up, “that way even if it’s not a kid in the system people won’t become suspicious” There was a moment of silence. “Foster care is awesome,” Stiles began, “we used to do it when I was little” he suddenly realized that everyone was paying attention to him, “mom thought it was a good idea after a kid knocked on our door saying she would be safer in the sheriff’s house” he knew he must smell sad because nobody even tried to question him, “we had about 4 kids before mom died” Stiles coughed a little, shrugged “It would be nice, I think, that way we can help even non-wolfy kids”. The conversation moved from there.

It took a few years for that idea to come to life, what with the whole reconstruction of the Hale house and such. Stiles was groaning and muttering complaints about how hot the day was, tossed on the couch, he loathed the beginning of summer. Derek came down the stairs shirtless and Stiles immediately started paying attention “Sure, when will you need me there?” He sat on the other end of the couch “Okay, we’ll be ready then” Stiles adjusted himself into a seating position, “All right, we’ll keep in touch”

“They just asked if we could accommodate a six-year-old kid named Monica, for the summer” Stiles’ eyes brightened up “Dude that’s awesome, when?” “We’ll pick her up on Friday”. So they prepared the house, and her room, and bought her stuff she might need.

Monica grew attached to Stiles quickly, it was easy for him to obly to her crazy made-up games, with all the playtime, it was a nice way to pass summer time by. On her third weekend with them, Stiles had an idea.

“Can we go to the beach?” Stiles and Derek were tackling the mess of toys and clothes in Monica’s room while she was out with Erica and Kira. “When?” Derek was crouching with a confused look on his face while trying to put back together one of the toys, “I don’t know, this weekend? She was playing in the kiddy pool and said she never saw the ocean” he shrugged, organized the last of the clothes on the closet. “Yeah, sure” As simple as that.

Up until the moment Monica came into their lives, Stiles still felt a little on edge being around Derek all the time, he didn’t know how to behave and was afraid to make things uncomfortable. As soon as he saw Monica holding Derek’s hand on instinct to cross the road, something soothed him. Orbiting around him felt safe, he relaxed. They grew closer during the days.

When they broke the news later that day, the whole house wreaked havoc. Erica immediately said yes, Scott grunted that he had to work, Isaac mumbled that he didn’t want to be around couples and Stiles forcibly brushed that comment off. Monica was static, vibrating with excitement, Derek said they had to buy stuff for the beach, but Lydia cut him off and said that she was the one who would be taking care of the girl’s beach clothes. Erica screeched a high-pitched “Shopping day!”. The week went by like that.

Stiles deeply regretted not picking on meditation as a hobby. The ride to the beach was a calm one, Monica was sleeping peacefully between Boyd and Erica, Derek was driving, and he was fighting not to sleep himself. As soon as the car stopped they were pilling out. Erica stripped her clothes showing off her brand new bikini, Stiles took his shirt without thinking too much, in the corner of his eyes he saw Boyd doing the same, Erica helped Monica while he saw Derek stripping his shirt in the most absurdly hot way ever. The uptick from his heart made all eyes turn to him. Monica started to run, he gladly went after her.

By the end of the day, Stiles could happily sleep on the sand for all he cared. He endured an entire day of Derek being shirtless and wet playing silly games with him and a child, for a good two hours there he thought it was some kind of fever dream, Erica was teasing him nonstop. He really needed to sleep. He was sitting with Derek and a sleepy Monica watching the sunset, while Erica and Boyd walked by the seaside like the romantic couple they are.

“We’re spending the night in a little house close by,” Derek said while they were packing their things, “I don’t know if I packed for that” he wondered “There’s a few things at the house”. “Who’s is it?” Stiles asked coaxing Monica to get up, “It was my aunt’s, Peter uses it every now and then”

The house was a small cozy and well-decorated one. Only two bedrooms, they all took turns showering, Boyd volunteered to buy them dinner, and they ate watching old cartoons. Derek said he would sleep on the pullout bed, but it was short-lived.

“No! Derek sleeps here too, he sleeps with us” Monica was crying and pouting, and Derek looked so lost for words if Stiles had the energy he would start laughing. “Lay down big guy, you won’t be going anywhere tonight.”

And Stiles sought safety on the child in the middle of the bed. Everything was okay with Monica between them. Sleep came fast for him. He woke up early the next day with Monica’s head on the crook of Derek’s neck, and Derek’s arm wrapped around his waist, making sure he was close. He almost started panicking then the arm around him tightened, and began making small movements on his back as if soothing him back to sleep.

He heard their door open, to Erica muffling her giggles on Boyd’s chest. She took pictures. And polaroids. And a video.

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The call came Wednesday night, it was close to three AM.

“Parrish, what is it?” He could hear hushed voices, sirens, and people coming back and forth in the background of the call, “Derek, sorry, I couldn’t get a hold of Stiles, I’m at a crime scene right now, so it would be best if he could be here ASAP” Derek was already up, getting dressed “Alright we’ll be there soon, send me the details” “Got it”

Stiles was sleeping in his own room that night, Derek wasn’t home when he went to sleep. He was curled like a ball wearing one of Derek’s shirts. He shook Stiles gently, “Hey, where’s your phone?” “Wha-,” Stiles sat on the bed, hair pointing everywhere, “Did something happen?” Derek answered while searching for said phone, “Don’t know for sure, Parrish called and said he couldn’t get a hold of you so he called me, he needs you at a crime scene” Stiles got up, went to the bathroom, and quickly got dressed, Derek trailing after him, “You coming with me?” Stiles had only noticed Derek behind him, both their phones in his hand, car key in the other, “of course”

The Hernandez family lived in one of the nicest neighborhoods of Beacon Hills. It was a typical American family house, two-story, a boring beige color with a white picket fence nice garden. “What the hell happened in here?” There were roughly ten police cars at the scene two ambulances and a morgue car. “It smells awful” When they finally find a place to park Derek’s pickup truck, making their way through the sea of people “There’s more people here than normal, it’s 3 AM for f*ck sake”

“Danny! Where’s Parrish?” Derek said rather loudly pushing Stiles by his overall coat

“f*cking finally, it’s a circus in here like batsh*t crazy, something is super wrong, and nobody knows what’s going on”

“Well that’s not helpful at all, I’m going to find Parrish and send someone to let you in” Stiles squeezed Derek’s hand and went through the cops there, no need to show his badge, everyone already knew who he was anyway.

The house was in perfect condition, with no signs of struggle, nothing out of place, just the body of a woman lying perfectly still in the middle of the kitchen now surrounded by the forensic team.

“Stiles over here!” Parrish said in one of the unoccupied corners of the house, talking in hushed tones with Isaac. “Isaac, Derek is out in the front, Parrish please make sense of what’s going on” Without a word Isaac was already making his way to the front of the house.

Once Derek arrived with Isaac, Parrish started talking “So at 2:26 the dispatch received a call from one of the neighbors claiming they heard a little girl crying, came to check and the door was wide open, the wife right there, Amanda, 35-year-old, lying on the kitchen ground unresponsive” Parrish kept going trough his notes “The first cops on the scene radio that they didn’t found any signs of the husband, Daniel, 37 and their little girl, Amelia, 6.”

“Right, but nothing is out of place” Stiles commented while still watching the forensic team and Jordan pushed on “It gets worse, both cars are still in the garage, so the next course of action was to canvas the neighborhood, and nothing”

“Chief, we’re ready to transport the body” Parrish went to give the green light while Isaac and Derek were still trying to make sense of the smell. “It doesn’t smell like dead, more like magic, but not even” Derek made a little noise of agreement and completed “It just smells wrong, out of place.” After a beat of silence, he said “Like when you have a sensation that you’re not supposed to be somewhere or like something is gonna happen.”

“Well that’s just great, Isaac, can you be there while they sweep the house more thoroughly?” “Yeah I can make that happen”

“I’m gonna see if Danny is still out in the front, ask him to get Ethan and Kira to be close when they go through with the body”

Since there was nothing more they could do at the moment, they left the cops to do what was needed. It was almost five AM when they arrived back at their house. “Wanna breakfast or you wanna sleep a little?” Derek asked already knowing the answer, Stiles was cling type of sleepy now. They got out of the car and he was already glued to Derek’s back. “‘Bed, they’ll call when they need me”

Peter and Chris arrived in the afternoon, and Stiles and Derek were still asleep. The house always had this insane flux of people, the weird hours everyone worked, plus the fact that even if some of them didn’t really live there someone always crashed in one of the rooms made it so it was rare to have the house empty. Erica and Boyd, bless their soul, promised Stiles to only move out after the baby was about six months old so for the time being they were residents there. Kira and Malia also still lived there and Theo and Liam will probably choose to move in with them, Stiles still didn’t know if Mason would be added to that equation. But everyone called it Stiles and Derek’s place regardless of how many people actually lived there.

Scott and Isaac lived in a cozy little apartment downtown, with two cats and a f*cking parrot of all pets, a parrot, seriously. Lydia and Jordan lived in a nicely sized house, very fancy, Lydia style. The Gay Trio™️ lived in a giant apartment with a view Stiles didn’t even know Beacon Hills could have, and yeah, Jackson’s gay ass written all over. The rest of the pack had a feeling that Lydia and Jackson had a silent “Decoration and Chic Lifestyle” war going on between them. Stiles still hadn’t stepped a foot in Peter’s place and he was a-o-kay with that, but everyone else had total access to everyone’s place.

So when Derek emerged from his bedroom and Peter and Chris were just on the couch watching sh*tty TV, he didn’t even bat an eye. He started cooking for him and Stiles and quickly asked if they would want to eat with them. The meal was almost done when Stiles showed up, already on the phone.

“Erica I swear to God, please stay out of the way of that house, I didn’t like the vibe at all” He gave a tiny nod in acknowledgment of Peter and Chris and kept talking “Right, so any news?–Gee calm down, lemme put on speaker”

After a beat Erica started talking “So it keeps getting weird by the minute, Isaac went home it was almost 9 AM, and guys, there was nothing, not a hair out of place, Isaac even managed to stay alone in that f*cking house to see if he could find something, he said and I quote ‘the place looks like those open houses for sale, it doesn’t even feel like they lived there before’” Erica said giving them her best impression of Isaac,which is weird as f*ck, because get this, the house has been in Daniel’s side of the family for 3 generations”

“Great,” Stiles grunted, “how can we make sense of this?” Stiles was eating and talking at the same time, a gross habit of his that he could never really stop.

“Come on kid, shut your mouth while eating” Chris complained “We don’t need to know every stage of your food processing” Peter completed.

He ignored them and continued talking “Okay, I’m gonna research somethings and do you mind sending any information you have on the families, and the house for that matter?”

“You got it, I’ll email it to you, hey Kira just texted me, she’s saying they scheduled the autopsy for the first hour of the night shift”

“Let’s hope at least the wife can give us some clues, take care, Erica, love you”

“Love you too Batman, be safe”

Peter was responsible for making connections with the pack members, visiting them to see how things were going and if they needed anything. Their pack members mainly were built of families, and most of them already had some kind of connection with the old Hale pack, and that part smoothed Derek a little, felt like having a piece of his own family with him.

Soon enough he was getting dressed to meet with Boyd and Scott at the clinic, per Boyd’s request.

It was after closing hours, so he went to the back door and knocked a few times. Boyd opened to him, an easy smile on his lips, Derek felt like he hadn’t stopped smiling like that ever since they announced Erica’s pregnancy “Hey man, thanks for coming” They hugged a little and Boyd directed them to Scott’s office.

Scott sat on one of the armchairs Derek aimed for the other one and Boyd sat on the small couch, facing them.

“So what’s up man?” Scott tested the waters, trying to see what was the best approach. “Nothing to worry about, I just been thinking a lot, you know, ever since I got the news, it’s a lot to think about–” Derek promptly cut him off “A baby is a lot, but don’t forget that you’re not this on your own, every kind of support in the book that you can imagine, you have it” He could feel Boyd’s nervousness.

“I don’t know if I could make it without you guys, honestly.” He fidgeted a little with his wedding ring “I talked with Erica last night and I decided to join the firefighter program.” There was a beat of silence and Boyd began to sound unsure “I mean, I think that it would be nice to have a profession you know, and the firefighter thing could come in handy, right?”

“That’s great man!” Scott was the first one to reach for Boyd sitting beside him on the couch, hugging him sideways. Derek was beaming “Like I said every kind of support you can imagine”

Boyd left shortly after that.

“Hey, Scott I was thinking with the whole murder thing, it would be better if we talk with the cubs at the high school, just to make sure they won’t do anything stupid” Derek commented, “Afraid they’ll start running around in the woods?” Scott joked, “God forbid they start having any ideas remotely similar to yours and Stiles’.”

“And you want me to talk to them, that’s it?” Scott seemed to be looking for something at his desk, “Yeah, they love you, I’m sure they will listen more” Derek shrugged, “They love you just as much, you do know that, right?” Scott provided, eyeing the other man, “No, nothing like that. You’re like the cool parent, with dad jokes and funny stories, they look at you like you’re still in college” Derek quickly explained.

Scott cheekily said “All my dad jokes have one source and that’s Stiles” and Derek huffed a laugh, “I can see that”.

“I’ll talk to them tomorrow, now I’m gonna go home and see if Isaac is alive” They accompanied each other on the way to the parking lot “Make sure he eats something healthy for once,” Derek said, just before getting in the car “Will do, you go home to Stiles, call us if you need anything.” They parted ways like that.

Stiles was getting out of the shower when Derek came in. Toweling his hair dry, Derek took the towel from his hands, maneuvering him to sit on the bed, and started doing it himself.

Derek asked nonchalantly, “How was your day?” Stiles was leaning into the touch head resting on Derek’s stomach, Stiles mumbled, voice muffled by the position, “Nothing exciting yet, but I did see something interesting, gonna visit my dad tomorrow.”

“That’s great” his voice almost a whisper “Went to see Boyd today” Derek stopped with the towel and Stiles moaned at the loss so Derek started to comb his fingers through the other man’s hair. “He still got that smile of his, I can tell how excited he is about the baby” Stiles propped his chin on Derek’s belly so he could look at him “I can imagine it, I still am hipped about it too” Derek gave a low chuckle “But you’ll be like this even after the baby is here” Stiles hid his face and groaned “He told me and Scott that he was going to join the firefighter program”

Stiles looked back up at Derek a little surprised, eyes low, he was almost sleeping. “I think that’s amazing, he already is built like a tank” Derek huffed a laugh. “Lay down, I’m gonna take a quick shower, I’ll be right back.”

When Derek got in bed Stiles was already sleeping, going easily after Derek’s warmth curling around his side.

all we are (is time that's counting down) - sourcherries (M0NNIEBEAM) (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.