How to use Executive Function for AI | Patrick Donahue posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

Patrick Donahue

Organizational Excellence Through Data-Driven Strategies and Process Innovation

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Executive Function for AIMy wife is a special education teacher. Recently she introduced me to the concept of Executive Function within cognitive development. In short, Executive Function refers to your ability to control and coordinate your cognitive abilities and behavior. As I have embarked on incorporating AI as a partner in developing solutions, I came to believe that the tools I have been building coordinate AI's Executive Functioning. What do I mean here? If I put my hand on a stove that is 100 degrees I will burn my hand differently than at 400 degrees and again at 4000... AI can give you empirical relationships but it cannot incorporate your experiential relationship. Experience is what improves our executive function to create priority which helps narrow focus for our cognitive abilities. Experience is the Lighthouse that guides us. How do you convey experience into prompts?In an effort to demonstrate a method of giving AI Executive Functioning, I attached a mock-up of a Strategic Alignment for a fictitious company that is fully AI generated using some basic assumptions about relationships between people, processes, and technology. That attached PDF is an unedited, AI generated document from prompts and logic I have been working on.These prompts incorporate assumptions that represent my experiential biases AI has not had the opportunity to observe. By incorporating your own assumptions in measurable ways, AI is very good at predicting relationships. Our job to reinforce correct predictions while correcting the incorrect predictions. Nurture that Executive Function!Done properly AI will give you some surprising results that might challenge some of your assumptions but better represent your ideas. If you want to customize this report for you and your company. Let DM or email me!patrick@data230.comSpecial thanks to Mike Hsieh Cole Marr Ariane Woods Kimberly L. Krzaczek Alexander Hajduk#data230 #StrategicAlignment #ChatGPT #ExecutiveFunction #PeopleProcessTechnology


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  • Jason Simon, Ph.D.

    Associate Vice President & Analytic Leader Focused on Student Success and Improving Institutional Outcomes

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    What impact does AI have on productivity? Should we be concerned about job loss? How will AI change the nature of how we work and what we might be able to produce as a society? As a "Skeptical Supporter" of AI I am always on the lookout for good thinking about these topics. I would like to encourage my network to check out a fine article by Martin Neil Baily and Aidan Kane that just got published by The Brookings Institution at ( They provide justification that AI has made an impact on productivity especially for less-skilled employees, scientific researchers, and health care. The authors introduce an important concept known as "General Purpose Technology" a.k.a. "the other GPT" (which is Generative Pre-Trained Performer in case you were curious). In this case they posit that like the electric motor, PCs or Smart Phones, AI will most likely have a broad impact on our workforce productivity. I tend to agree assuming that all aspects of our society have equal access and capability to leverage these tools. For me, the jury is still out on how institutions and organizations alike will need to invest and compete on AI. I guess we'll need to see which version of GPT ultimately comes out on top. Finally, the article presents several possible policy scenarios related to job loss and the need for retraining. The authors highlight the lack of investment our country makes in workforce development (as compared to other countries) and posits that AI could be a difference maker in re-skilling our workforce...I would extend that to also include re-skilling our college graduates so that they are fully prepared to enter the modern workforce that is hyper-reliant on tools like Co-Pilot, Claude, Chat GPT, Elicit and others...What are your thoughts? Do you think AI will lead to enhanced productivity? I want to hear your thoughts.#ai #leadership #highereducation #technology

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  • Michelle Audsley Myers

    Educator, Facilitator, Coach

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    #AI and #Brainstorming - ⚠ Caution for more storm and less brain 😳 🆘 There is potential for AI's help in problem solving and ideation meetings if used in a way to augment our innate creative abilities. How might we teach ways for people to collaborate with this powerful tool to enhance outcomes, rather than use it to replace the magic of human ingenuity? According to Jeremy Utley, Stanford's creativity expert...proceed with isn't the magic pill 💊 for ideation and innovation in organizations. "Teams using AI tended to produce fewer really good or really bad answers than unassisted human peers, for instance. Those teams that did produce A-grade answers with AI’s help found it harder work than those who settled for “good enough” ideas. The underperforming teams tended to use the AI chatbot as a problem solver, rather than a conversation partner. Gen-AI has been likened to a 'summer MBA intern', albeit one with far more power and knowledge at its disposal. But, Utley says, if a manager gave an intern one sentence of instruction and received a terrible report, 'the problem wouldn’t be the intern, it would be the manager'.Kian Gohar and Jeremy Utley suggest a few ways to improve. Ask humans to think through a specific problem alone before interacting with the AI. Engage a neutral facilitator to help navigate the final phase of organizing ideas. Above all, as one executive told them, to reach the most creative outcomes, “place the emphasis on the chat, not the bot”. For a complete look at their white paper on #ideation and #teamcollaboration and #problemsolving see their white paper:


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  • iAM Learning


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    AI isn't ready to take over everything. 🤖At least, not yet. No doubt you've heard some horror stories from creatives who have lost work to ChatGPT and Midjourney. But even though it's true that AI is continuing to transform workplaces, we shouldn't lose sight of the essential schools that humans are blessed with: creativity, emotional intelligence, and adaptability. We've got the edge. ⚡Ok, so AI can automate tasks and provide data-driven insights based on their input. But creative thinkers like us are better at innovating, building strong relationships, and adapting to thrive during these trying times.So how can we avoid falling into the trap of AI replacement? Well, having training programs that encourage and develop these human skills alongside technical competencies. In other words, encourage creative problem-solving, build emotional intelligence through coaching, and foster a culture of continuous learning. 📚AI should be used as a collaboration tool, not a replacement for us humans. Sure, give your teams AI assistance for time-consuming jobs if they need it, but ensure humans have roles which focus on higher-level, more fulfilling work.We get it. In this modern age, there's a competitive advantage to using AI. But nurturing uniquely human talents is more important than improving AI - it'll give you an advantage to do so. Embrace the power of human-AI collaboration by developing well-rounded teams. 🤝Check out our growing Digital Transformation collection of eLearning courses to find out more. 👇🏻#human #AI #technologies #skills #learning #creativity #emotionalintelligence

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  • Dennis Tröger

    CEO @ | Use Outreach to Drive Sales -Follow for Proven Tips, Insights & Tools

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  • David Hodges

    The People Geek

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    Cyborgs & Centaurs, a new job categorisation for Organisation Design 🤖👩💻 A fascinating new study on how AI is transforming knowledge work has been released 🔬📚. Link in the comments. The researchers ran experiments with knowledge workers from a consulting business, having them complete tasks with and without Chat GPT-4. When tasks were in GPT-4's wheelhouse like creative ideation, writing, analysis, and segmentation, consultants were 12% more productive and over 40% higher quality. 📈🔥But when tasks required nuanced judgment, inference, math, or complex reasoning, relying too much on AI backfired and consultants were 19% less likely to be correct. ⚠️This reveals an emerging "jagged frontier" between tasks AI excels at and falters at. 📉📈 Like:Inside AI's capabilities:💡Ideation and brainstorming✍️Drafting memos and marketing copy📊Market analysis and segmentationOutside AI's capabilities:🤔Evaluating subjective interviews🔍Identifying subtle data insights➗Basic math operationsNavigating this uneven landscape will be key. Teams should collaborate with AI like “centaurs” on writing while individuals blend with AI like “cyborgs” on analysis. ✍️📈But overreliance can degrade human skills. Maintaining training and human-only workflows preserves diversity and hedges against AI limitations. 💪⚠️ AI is here, adoption is being driven by employees though and not companies. Leveraging AI while retaining human capabilities is a race initially to short term competitive advantage. 🧠🤖Incorporating AI into job design, understanding are your roles Cyborg or Centaurs. Where would 12% improvements in productivity and 40% improvement in quality most impact your business? How could introducing AI to transform roles in your industry? Should certain tasks be automated or remain human? Do you have AI policies? Let me know your thoughts! 👇👩💻#ai #jobdesign #orgdesign #hr #leadership

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  • Bruno Herrmann

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    🤔 While this article was published several years ago it still effectively summarizes major challenges tied to the implementation AND adoption of #AI. It highlighted some key considerations to make it effective, i.e. value-creating and inclusive:✅Ensuring AI is driven and tied to a business strategy - less hype, more value✅Aligning decision makers and stakeholders to execute the AI strategy - clear communication and continued collaboration✅Attracting and retaining the needed talent and focusing on soft skills (too) - upskilling efforts and learning actions👏In short, it covered crucial cultural and organizational requirements to operationalize AI through the right combination of people, processes and technology👏❗Relevant in 2019. Even more relevant in 2024❗ #artificialintelligence #technologyadoption #governance #strategy

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  • Mansur Habibullah

    🧞18M+Post Impression🥇4.0K Followers ↗️ Sales Executive - 📖 Author of "Igniting Your Passion" & "The Unf*cking Mindset "- 🎙️ Motivational Speaker 🪂 Content Creator 🧑💻 AI Enthusiastic 🦸Personal Branding👻Writer

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    "🚀 Embracing the Changing Job Landscape: AI and the Path Ahead 🌐As AI technology continues to evolve, certain jobs are poised for transformation. Here are 10 roles that might undergo changes and how we can navigate this shift:1. Data Analysts 📊: AI will enhance data processing, allowing analysts to focus on interpreting insights for strategic decisions. #DataInsights #HumanAI2. Customer Support 📞: Chatbots are replacing routine interactions, but human touch remains crucial for complex issues. Upskilling in emotional intelligence is key. #CustomerConnection #AIAssist3. Content Creation ✍️: AI-generated content is on the rise, but human creativity and storytelling set us apart. Collaborate with AI tools for amplified creativity. #CreativityUnleashed #HumanArtistry4. Medical Diagnostics 🏥: AI aids in diagnosing, but doctors provide empathy and holistic care. Medical professionals can focus on personalized treatment plans. #MedTechAdvances #CareBeyondTech5. **Legal Research** ⚖️: AI accelerates research, allowing lawyers to concentrate on strategy, negotiation, and courtroom advocacy. #LegalAI #StrategicCounsel6. Logistics 🚚: Automation streamlines processes, but human oversight ensures adaptability in dynamic scenarios. Embrace tech for efficiency. #LogisticsEvolution #HumanAdaptation7. Financial Analysis💰: AI handles data analysis, while finance experts offer nuanced advice and foresight. Developing strategic financial planning skills will be essential. #FinanceForesight #HumanInsight8. Language Translation 🌍: AI aids in translation, but cultural nuances demand human intervention for accurate communication. Bilinguals can thrive in collaboration with AI. #GlobalCommunication #CulturalBridge9. Teaching and Training 👩🏫: Educators become mentors, focusing on personalized learning journeys and socio-emotional growth that AI can't replicate. #FutureEducation #MentorshipMatters10. Research and Development 🔬: AI accelerates experimentation, but human researchers provide intuition and adaptability, driving innovation. Embrace AI as a partner in discovery. #InnovationSynergy #HumanIngenuityIn this evolving landscape, the key is collaboration. Embrace AI as an ally, upskill to stay adaptable, and leverage uniquely human skills to excel. Let's shape the future together! 🌈 #FutureOfWork #HumanAI #AdaptAndThrive" #Follow me Mansur Habibullah 🚀 🚀 for exclusive contents.Thank You .... Please #repost

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  • Katharina Winkler

    Learning and Development Leader EMEA

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    The use of AI in the workplace will change the skillsets we will need in the future. Machines are effective at gathering and analysing data, for example. However, they lack the human factor, especially Emotional Intelligence (EQ).Read the Harvard Business Review article below (thanks Jacqui O'Bree for sharing), to learn more about the importance of soft skills in the age of machine learning and AI.But what is EQ? Daniel Goleman divides EQ into four domains: self-awareness, self-management, empathy and social skills. Listen to this short video to learn more: Swomies: if you want to learn how to "Boost Collaboration with Emotional Intelligence", sign up for our Learning&Development workshops taking place in Q1!


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How to use Executive Function for AI | Patrick Donahue posted on the topic | LinkedIn (41)

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How to use Executive Function for AI | Patrick Donahue posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.