Shadowed Unit Frames (2024)

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    Plunderstorm (10.2.6)

    Updated:03-20-24 01:35 AM
    Created:05-17-09 12:55 PM

    Version: v4.4.8

    by: Shadowed, Nevcairiel

    SUF focuses on a simple configuration while maintaining the flexibility that most users will care about, preventing unnecessary bloating of the addon that sacrifices performance. While you aren't going to be able to set the health bar to be exactly 3.14 pixels outside of the unit frames, you can change options you actually care about such as bar height, ordering, frame height and so on. To speed up configuration, you can configure multiple units at the same time through the global configuration. For example, if you want to set the height of the Player, Target, Focus and Party frames to 50 then the height of Target's Target, Target's Target of Target, Focus Target to 30 you can easily do this by changing two options instead of having to do it seven times.

    However, should you need a little bit of extra configuration do not despair! An advanced option is included that will unlock additional configuration giving finer control over the configuration.

    Slash commands: /shadoweduf (/suf)

    Donations are not required, but are appreciated!

    Shadowed Unit Frames (3)

    Are you driven crazy by your party frames not aligning up exactly with your player frames, even if it's only half a pixel off? The anchoring system will let you solve all alignment issues, by allowing you to anchor a frame to another and set a simple offset from the frame it is anchored to, or by manually setting the X/Y position of the frame.

    Using the screen shot as an example, if you drag the player frame the other frames will move with the player frame preserving the alignment and spacing. Each frame can still be manually positioned wherever you want, but this gives you a way of easily anchoring and moving frames around without having to use a ruler.

    Zone configuration (Disabling options/units by zone type)
    Units and modules can be enabled or disabled based on the type of zone you are in. For example, if you want to see party targets and party pets while you are in an arena but nowhere else then you can use the visibility options to enable it only while inside an arena. Modules can also be disabled by zone type, if you want to see party auras while in a raid instance but nowhere else you can disable the module in raid instances only.

    Profiles do not have to be swapped and it is all automatic.

    Supports unit frames are as follows:

    Player: Player, Pet, Pet Target
    General: Target, Target of Target, Target of Target of Target, Focus, Focus Target
    Party: Party, Party Pets, Party Targets, Party ToT
    Raid: Raid, Raid Pet, Main Tank, Main Tank Target, Main Assist, Main Assist Target, Boss, Boss Target, Boss ToT, Main Assist ToT, Main Tank ToT
    Arena: Arena, Arena Target, Arena Pets, Arena ToT
    Battleground: Battleground, Battleground Target, Battleground Target


    • Tags: Includes a simple tagging system that can be customized in virtually any way using Lua, even if something isn't included by default odds are you can make the tags
    • Incoming Heals: Supports the Blizzard Events for incoming heal data, no external libraries needed
    • Auras: Can be set to only show auras you casted, or can cast on others. Can enlarge auras that you casted, and hide the cooldown ring on the timers of auras you didn't cast as well to make it more obvious which ones you casted and which ones you didn't
    • Aura Timers: You will need a mod such as OmniCC to show timers on buffs and debuffs
    • Aura Indicators: Display colored squares or icons for certain auras on any unit
    • Fader: Fades frames when out of combat and inactive (100% mana/no target)
    • Class Power (Eclipse, Holy Power, etc): Supports all of the class power features from Eclipse to Burning Embers.
    • Highlighting: Border highlighting of frames based on mousing over them, curable debuffs, aggro or you are targeting/focusing them
    • Range Checking: Fades frames out that are out of range of you
    • Exportable Layouts: If you have a layout, or your friend has a layout you want to try out you can export/import SUF layouts by going to /suf -> Layout Manager
    • Profiles: You can change from any profile to another one without reloading your UI, should you want to use a completely different layout based on zone you can easily switch profiles without hassle

    Pretty much all the general unit frame settings are in, health bars, cast bars, power bars, portraits, indicators and so on.

    Basic module support is included, should you be interested in building a module see the documentation on github for more information.

    Currently released:

    • Smoothbars for unit frames
    • Trinket based tags
    • Damn Unit Sounds, not technically a SUF module it will restore the Blizzard sounds on targeting, focusing or toggling the PVP flag

    Shadowed Unit Frames
    v4.4.8 (2024-03-20)
    Full Changelog Previous Releases

    • Update TOCs for 10.2.6
    • Switch PR CI to checkout v2

    Archived Files (10)

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    Shadowed Unit Frames




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    Shadowed Unit Frames




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    Shadowed Unit Frames




    05-03-23 01:46 AM

    Shadowed Unit Frames




    03-22-23 01:52 AM

    Shadowed Unit Frames




    11-16-22 08:17 AM

    Shadowed Unit Frames




    11-07-22 10:13 AM

    Shadowed Unit Frames




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    Shadowed Unit Frames (5)02-08-10, 10:00 PM


    A Kobold Labourer

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    Originally posted by Shadowed
    Areli, are you using a program like WUU to install/update?

    I'm having a similar issue. So with the newest wow patch, for some reason my Target bar has changed colors. Its no longer colored according to hostility, but % health. I typed /suf to try and see if settings were adjusted, and I get an error. If i try and do it again without resetting the game, it will not even process the command. Here's the error i receive.

    Date: 2010-02-08 19:53:35
    ID: 1
    Error occured in: Global
    Count: 1
    Message: ..\AddOns\ShadowedUF_Grid\ShadowedUF_Grid.lua line 566:
    attempt to index upvalue 'SL' (a nil value)
    [C]: ?
    ShadowedUF_Grid\ShadowedUF_Grid.lua:566: ?()
    ...ace\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\ShadowedUnitFrames.lua:375: FireModuleEvent()
    ShadowedUF_Options\config.lua:4949: Open()
    ...ace\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\ShadowedUnitFrames.lua:552: value()
    ..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3573: ChatEdit_ParseText()
    ..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3221: ChatEdit_SendText()
    ..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3245: ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed()
    [string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1:
    [string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1
    Swatter, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
    Atlas, v1.15.2
    AtlasLoot, vv5.09.03
    Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130
    Configator, v5.1.DEV.190
    CTMailMod, v3.009 (CTMod 3.0)
    DBMCore, v
    DBMIcecrown, v
    DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.130
    Dominos, v1.15.1
    DominosBuff, v
    DominosCast, v
    DominosConfig, v
    DominosRoll, v
    DominosTotems, v
    DominosXP, v
    Gatherer, v3.1.14
    GathererHUD, v3.1.14
    GathererDBWowhead, v1.0.2009-02-18
    Grid, v1.30300.1265
    GridAutoFrameSize, v2.3.9
    GridManaBars, v0.89
    Omen, v3.0.9
    PallyPower, vv3.2.9-release
    RankWatch, vv1.08
    Recount, v
    ShadowedUFGrid, v
    ShadowedUFOptions, v
    ShadowedUnitFrames, vv3.1
    statool, v6.4
    Stubby, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
    WIM, v3.2.2
    BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v3.3.2.30300 <us>

    Shadowed Unit Frames (8)02-08-10, 05:05 PM



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    Ruana: Width weight in the Text/Tags options, you may have to enable advanced settings to see it.

    Marmo: It's hidden because it doesn't work, due to a Blizzard bug (nothing I can control) Set Focus does not work with the dropdown.

    Shadowed Unit Frames (12)02-08-10, 04:41 PM


    A Kobold Labourer

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    Extending name & name position

    Is there any way to make the mob's name longer than what appears to be the default? I'm finding it hard to sometimes find the right mob to attack because the names are shortened to the same and I can't see the full name.

    If it's not possible due to the space available in the frame, is it possible to move the name above/below the bar and let it go longer? Pitbull had something like this, so I'm just curious if I can do this with sUF.

    Shadowed Unit Frames (15)02-08-10, 04:02 PM


    A Kobold Labourer

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    This is the besta addon i use until now for UnitFrames, Gratz guys. But i have a big problem with SUF. I can't set my Focus Frame, simple the "Set focus" button vanish.

    To be exactly: When i press right click on target the button "Set Focus" isn't there anymore. And on enemy players or NPC nothing happens.

    Last edited by Marmo : 02-08-10 at 04:08 PM.

    Shadowed Unit Frames (18)02-07-10, 10:41 PM


    A Murloc Raider

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    Sorry I replied late.

    I've deleted all ShadowedUF related files, redownload and reinstalled everything, now it's popping up the option panel with the slash command.

    Thanks again for making such a great addon!

    Shadowed Unit Frames (21)02-07-10, 03:54 PM



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    It should be anchored to the right, not to the left.

    Shadowed Unit Frames (25)02-07-10, 02:58 PM


    A Murloc Raider

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    Originally posted by Shadowed
    Percent bug is fixed, other issue is due to how you anchored the text.

    What's the best way to anchor it? Seems to behave differently based on how long the text is.

    Shadowed Unit Frames (28)02-07-10, 02:40 PM



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    Percent bug is fixed, other issue is due to how you anchored the text.

    Shadowed Unit Frames (32)02-07-10, 01:51 PM


    A Murloc Raider

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    Got some weird issues with the mana/power bar text:

    Working fine on the shammy/rogue, but there's no percentage on the boss unit and the current/maximum mana goes outside the bar. Same thing with the warrior, the text is a bit too far to the right. Using the latest alpha from wowace.

    Shadowed Unit Frames (35)02-07-10, 11:32 AM



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    Areli, are you using a program like WUU to install/update?

    Shadowed Unit Frames (39)02-06-10, 02:30 AM



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    What is the error? Try downloading the latest tagged release, instead of the latest alpha.

    Shadowed Unit Frames (43)02-06-10, 02:06 AM


    A Murloc Raider

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    I am getting error when trying to use /suf, so now I cannot do any configuration, and all my unit frames are now stuck together >.<

    I went to the link at and downloaded the latest version, which is v3.1-17-g61f79c7, but it is still giving me an error message when attempting to open up configuration window with the command /suf

    Is there other ways to access the configuration window? I cannot find it from the Interface > Addon panel and I cannot access it with slash command. :'(

    Shadowed Unit Frames (46)01-31-10, 12:07 PM



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    It's known, I just can't get it to duplicate for me right now.

    Shadowed Unit Frames (50)01-31-10, 08:59 AM


    A Kobold Labourer

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    Started getting this error around the most recent release of SUF. This error appears whenever I try to lock the frames from config mode.
    I have turned off other mods and still get this error.

    Date: 2010-01-31 08:55:19
    ID: 1
    Error occured in: Global
    Count: 1
    Message: [string "return function(unit, unitOwner)..."] line 2:
    Usage: UnitIsDead("unit")
    (tail call): ?
    [C]: UnitIsDead()
    [string "return function(unit, unitOwner)..."]:2: func()
    ShadowedUnitFrames\modules\tags.lua:157: UpdateTags()
    ...terface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\modules\layout.lua:404: SetupText()
    ...terface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\modules\layout.lua:114: Load()
    ...terface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\modules\layout.lua:95: Reload()
    ...terface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\modules\movers.lua:317: Disable()
    ...terface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\modules\movers.lua:403: Update()
    (tail call): ?
    [C]: ?
    [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:9:
    [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:5
    (tail call): ?
    (tail call): ?
    [C]: ?
    [string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:9:
    [string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:5
    (tail call): ?
    ...rkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua:326: Fire()\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua:61:\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua:57
    Swatter, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
    ACP, v3.2.0.26
    ArkInventory, v3.02
    Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130
    BeanCounter, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
    BrokerEquipment, v30300.9-Release
    Configator, v5.1.DEV.130
    DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.130
    EasyMail, v
    Informant, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
    MikScrollingBattleText, v5.4.74
    NiceDamage, v20400
    Prat30, v3.3.2
    Prat30Libraries, v
    ShadowedUFIndicators, v
    ShadowedUFOptions, v
    ShadowedUnitFrames, vv3.1-17-g61f79c7
    SharedMedia, v3.0.1-177
    SharedMediaAdditionalFonts, v1.0
    Skada, v1.2-25
    SlideBar, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
    Stubby, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
    tabDB, v
    TidyPlates, v5.9
    TidyPlatesCleanPlates, v1.9g
    TidyPlatesNeon, v1
    TipTac, v09.11.28
    TipTacItemRef, v09.08.13
    TipTacTalents, v09.08.13
    BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v3.3.0.30300 <us>

    Shadowed Unit Frames (53)01-30-10, 12:53 AM



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    You don't need unlinked frames for that, you can change how it grows in /suf -> Unit configuration -> Party -> Party -> Row growth

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    Shadowed Unit Frames (2024)
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