Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (2024)

A string of bad boyfriends have appeared at Teesside's courts to be sentenced for brutal attacks on their partners.

Many of the men have been jailed and banned from contacting their victims after their despicable crimes came to light. One of the most shocking cases saw a thug stab his partner leaving her to pull the blade out of her own leg.

Steven Kennedy attacked the woman on October 5, last year, leaving her leg "in a mess". She still suffers from spasms from suspected nerve damage and says she will "never be able to wear a dress again".

  • READ MORE: 'Weeping' rapist caged for eight years for attack on sleeping woman
  • READ MORE: Towering thug left two women with broken bones when he slammed them on floor

Kennedy was handed a five-year prison sentenced and banned from contacting his victim. Read the shocking story and others below:

Steven Kennedy

Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (1)

This boyfriend stabbed his partner, leaving her to pull the broken knife out of her own leg. Steven Kennedy, 40, followed his then girlfriend into her bedroom on October 5 last year, after the couple had an argument in the kitchen. He repeatedly punched her in the head, and continued attacking her as she lay on the floor.

It wasn't until the woman managed to get out of the room and run downstairs to leave her home, that she realised a broken knife was sticking out of her leg. She pulled the knife out and ran to a neighbour's for help.

Teesside Crown Court heard that the woman hadn't realised that Kennedy had stabbed her until she got downstairs. Timothy Jacobs, prosecuting, said that Ring doorbell footage showed her turning up at her neighbour's front door, "distressed and quietly asking for help."

The court heard that the couple had got together shortly before Kennedy was recalled to prison in 2022. The relationship continued when he was released, but Mr Jacobs said that he frequently accused her of having affairs and even made her take lie detector tests.

"He demanded to see her social media to the extent that she stopped using it. It wasn't worth the bother. If she wanted to contact someone, she had to use his phone.

"She could only use her mobile to check her emails," Mr Jacobs told the court. In a statement, the survivor said that she "will never be able to wear a dress again" as her leg has been left "in a mess." She suffers from ongoing spasms in her leg, from suspected nerve damage.

Kennedy, of Brackenfield Road in Durham, pleaded guilty to wounding and assault. He has two previous convictions for domestic violence.

In mitigation, Rob Mochrie said that Kennedy "witnessed this type of behaviour as a child growing up. It's no excuse, of course, but perhaps those experiences laid the foundations for his later life. He says he is sorry, for what he has done."

Kennedy listened via video link from Durham prison as Judge Howard Crowson told him: "You've been irrationally jealous and believed, without foundation, that she was unfaithful. You now admit that during the relationship, you controlled her." Kennedy was jailed for five years. He was made the subject of a ten-year restraining order, prohibiting him from contacting his victim.

David Hey

Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (2)

Drug-addicted boyfriend David Hey became violent and took his girlfriend's car, being going on the run.

Teesside Crown Court heard Hey was struggling with his mental health over Christmas last year when he relapsed into taking drugs, punched his partner and drove her car straight into her garden wall. The Ford Kuga went straight through the brick wall at an address in Hartlepool, destroying kids' bikes and scooters.

The 38-year-old drove away shouting, "are you happy now?" before "going to ground" as police searched for him. Teesside Crown Court heard that Hey became "snappy and argumentative" with his partner as he worried about money, before he asked to borrow her silver Ford Kuga on January 11. His partner called him early the next morning to ask for her car back, as Hey, who had no insurance or licence, hadn't returned and she needed to take her children to school.

Jenny Haigh, prosecuting, stated that Hey's partner said that "he sounded out of his head on drugs" and she told him not to come near her home. A while later, Hey pulled up in his partner's car, and ignored her requests for him not to come into the house.

"He punched her twice, called her a 'grassing c***' and left, shouting, 'I'll kill you!' " Ms Haigh said. The woman's young child had been in the room when she was punched. CCTV then captured Hey accelerating into the garden wall.

Hey fled as police looked for him. Twelve days later, on January 24, they went to arrest him at a different address at 5.30am. The police reported that Hey, who was in his underwear, jumped up on top of his bed and took up a "fighting stance."

He was tasered, but later when officers allowed him to get dressed and take his medication, Hey swallowed several tablets from a packet and "began snarling, making threats and calling the officers 'd********," Ms Haigh said.

Hey, of Millbank Terrace in Wingate, Durham, pleaded guilty to assault, dangerous driving, criminal damage and to four counts of assaulting an emergency worker. He has 41 previous convictions for 98 offences, including a serious assault and the possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear.

Kelly Clark, mitigating, said that Hey had been struggling with his mental health and until he had started attending "Andy's Man Club" he hadn't spoken to anyone about how he had been feeling. "He wants to get back to a normal life and to work," Ms Clark said, "he has contact with his children from other relationships."

Hey was jailed for 22-months. After his time on remand is subtracted from that sentence, he has seven-months-and-eight-days left to serve. The judge banned him from driving for three years, from the day he is released.

Shane Jewson

Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (3)

A controlling bully terrorised his then girlfriend with a homemade mace and threatened to kill her cats.

Shane Jewson, 24, subjected his partner to a shocking campaign of abuse from April to September last year. According to the charge, Jewson threatened to kill the woman's cats, slapped her across the face and terrorised her with a medieval weapon.

Teesside Crown Court heard during one incident the woman was forced to hide from the defendant in a bathroom where she was able to contact police.

The charge states: "Between 1 April 2023 to 4 September 2023 repeatedly or continuously engaged in behaviour which was controlling or coercive, namely

  • Punched holes in walls and threw furniture at walls to intimidate her
  • Took her phone from her when she told him she wanted to leave him
  • Held her in a bear hug and squeezed her, to prevent her from leaving him
  • Threatened to kill himself if she left him
  • In June 2023 threatened to kill her cats
  • Threatened to kill himself if she refused to have sex with him
  • On 31st August 2023 slapped her across the face
  • On 31st August 2023 swung a homemade flail around his head, damaging a cupboard shouting threats, which caused her to hide in the bathroom in fear and contact the police
  • Made numerous unwanted calls and texts to her

The Hartlepool defendant pleaded guilty to the charge and was given credit for his plea. In mitigation, the court heard Jewson had a "difficult start in life" and was in care until 21.

His barrister, Stephen Constantine said: "He would say he needs and wants help. The care system he would tell you can be very harsh and very cruel. He is in a position now where he has settled accommodation and people who are willing to help him. He is someone who is willing to try and better himself."

The Otterpool Close resident was handed a two-year prison sentence.

Thomas Patton

Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (4)

This bully boyfriend superglued his girlfriend's eye closed when she was asleep.

Thomas Patton, 29, hit and threatened his partner during their relationship which she was too scared to end. His victim, said she was scared that Patton would kill her - he told her he "would rather see her dead than with someone else."

Teesside Crown Court heard that Patton was repeatedly violent towards his girlfriend, and when she reported him to the police, after seeking hospital treatment for her eye, he tried to intimidate her into withdrawing her statement. Patton, of Cotswold Avenue, in Pallister Park, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to:

  • intimidating a witness,
  • assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

He was convicted by a jury, after a trial, of:

  • engaging in coercive behaviour,
  • two counts of assault,
  • two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm - which took place between July and October 2023.

Eleanor Durdy, mitigating, said Patton, who admitted using class A and B drugs, claimed he didn't mean to squirt the superglue into his girlfriend's eye, maintaining it was "an accident" - a claim the judge rejected.

Patton shook his head as he was jailed for three-years-and-six-months. He was made the subject of a restraining order prohibiting him from contacting his victim and her mother for five years.

Danny Oxley

Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (5)

Boyfriend Danny Oxley screwed a front door shut before attacking his girlfriend leaving her needing a cut to her eyebrow glued.

The defendant had been out drinking in co*ckerton with his partner and when the couple got back to his girlfriend's home, he "screwed the front door to the door frame." An argument broke out, and Oxley agreed to take the screws out so his partner could leave.

But when she ran outside, he chased her, put his hand around her neck, pushed her hard, and she fell, hitting her head against a wall. The victim had a cut to her eyebrow glued in hospital.

Oxley pleaded guilty to:

  • assault occasioning actual bodily harm;
  • possession of a knife in a public place;
  • threatening behaviour;
  • assaulting an emergency worker.

He has previous convictions for multiple robberies, a wounding offence and for carrying a knife in public.

Kelleigh Lodge, mitigating, told the court that Oxley has "significant mental health issues" and has been the victim of crime himself. "He was the victim of an assault" Ms Lodge said, "it affected his mental health - threats were made against him and the police assisted him in moving out of the area."

Oxley was jailed for 34-months, and will be released on licence, after serving half of his sentence in custody. Oxley was made the subject of a restraining order, prohibiting him from contacting the woman for 10 years.

David Todd

Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (6)

Dad David Todd was desperate for a drugs fix when he attacked his ex partner on the street before locking her in her own home and attacking her.

Todd punched his then-girlfriend to the back of the head after they had both gone out to buy drugs, on July 14, of last year. She was knocked to the ground and he threw her bag over a fence, before pushing her away.

The 36-year-old then knocked his partner to the ground again, and kicked her arms out from underneath her, meaning her chin hit the pavement. He didn't stop the attack until a member of the public stepped and told him to "leave her alone."

Todd's normal dealer had sold out of drugs, so he went on to find another. Meanwhile, his partner fled, locking herself in her home so he couldn't get in - however, she realised a front door key was missing. Todd let himself in, turned the lights off and locked the front door.

He repeatedly punched his girlfriend in the head, and as she was curled up in a ball on the floor, he got hold of a metal hoover pole and used it to hit her all over her body and face. The woman tried to escape out of a window, but he dragged her back in by her hair and tried to strangle her - while repeatedly telling her he would "f****** kill her."

Peter Sabiston, prosecuting, told the court that the woman may have lost consciousness, as the next thing she remembers was running from the house and the police talking to her, moments later. They took her back home, only to find that Todd had smashed up her furniture and possessions.

The victim was rushed to hospital, when the police noticed her head had started to swell. She was kept in for four days. Todd, of Overcombe Way in Redcar, pleaded guilty to:

  • assault;
  • assault occasioning actual bodily harm;
  • intentional strangulation;
  • making threats to kill;
  • criminal damage.

In mitigation, Nicci Horton said her client had "not tried to apportion the blame on anyone but himself. He is heartedly, heartedly ashamed of himself."

Judge Richard Bennett told Todd: "You knew she was physically weaker. You left her with a suspected bleed on the brain, and extensive bruising all over her face and body. She was frightened in her own home." Todd was jailed for four years and six months and was made the subject of an indefinite restraining order prohibiting him from contacting his victim.

Anthony Tye

Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (7)

A spurned ex who beat up his former partner before veering his new Mercedes straight into her garden at her mum and a visitor, told police his 'stupid f****** animal' of a car was to blame.

Anthony Tye, 35, was originally charged with attempted murder after the woman and a nurse - who had come to treat Tye's ex-partner - had to jump out of the way to avoid being hit by the vehicle as it came straight at them, as they stood near the front steps of the house.

The charges were dropped after Tye admitted attempted grievous bodily harm with intent. Teesside Crown Court heard that after Tye's girlfriend ended their relationship, he drove to her parents' home in Stockton, with two other women. All three got out of the car, and one of the women, who has never been identified, began attacking Tye's former girlfriend.

Tye climbed up onto his ex's car roof and began smashing her windscreen and jumping up and down on the car. He then climbed down and punched his ex, and kicked her in the ribs, as the second woman joined in with the assault. Tye stole his victim's mobile phone before the three drove off - on the afternoon of August 22, 2023.

Nick Dry, prosecuting, told the court that his ex-partner was so badly affected by the attack, that she requested help for her mental health. The next day, while two nurses were at her home on Tithe Barn Road in Hardwick, Stockton, Tye ploughed his car into her front garden.

Tye turned up at the house and asked to see his ex-girlfriend, but her parents told him to, "go away." Mr Dry said that Tye's former partner's mum was standing in the front garden, moments later, talking to one of the nurses, "when they both heard a loud revving of an engine fast approaching.

"The defendant's vehicle knocked over a lamp post before ploughing across neighbours' gardens and into his ex-partner's garden." His ex's mother and the nurse had to jump out of the way.

Tye emerged from his white Mercedes and hurled a brick through the living room window before attacking his ex-partner's dad with another brick. Mr Dry said that the man "had come outside to defend his family" and he was left with a swollen jaw, and two broken fingers.

Seconds later, a second car drove up to the house and picked Tye up. Days later, he was arrested by police after they were called out to a report of violence at Roseberry Park Hospital in Middlesbrough. He punched the police officer as he was handcuffed.

Tye refused to answer police questions, but said he had paid £25,000 for his Mercedes two days earlier, and that his "stupid f****** animal" of a car was to blame. "He said his car was stupid and dangerous," Mr Dry told the court, "and that he'd been 'off his face' for a month or so. He said he had taken hundreds of Zopiclone tablets on the day of the crash."

Tye pleaded guilty to:

  • attempted grievous bodily harm with intent;
  • assault occasioning actual bodily harm;
  • criminal damage;
  • assaulting an emergency worker;
  • assault
  • theft.

Jonathan Walker, mitigating, told the court that Tye had sent messages "intending to take his own life in a car crash" on the day he drove towards his former partner's home. "The defendant's mind had turned to self-destruction," Mr Walker said. "His first port of call was Roseberry Park. It was luck alone that he did not cause more serious harm to those he aimed for. His primary aim was to kill himself."

Tye, of of Ridsdale Avenue, in Stockton, was handed a 10-year sentence, comprising of seven-years-six-months in custody; and two-years-six-months on licence in the community, after he is released.

Leon Crossling

Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (8)

Dad Leon Crossling punched his partner in the face before stamping on her legs as she "lay curled up in a ball".

His partner was left with bruises on her legs and injuries to her jaw and eye, after he battered her in a brutal attack in October 2020. Teesside Crown Court heard that the victim was too frightened to go to the police after the assault.

Prosecutor Jonathan Gittens told the court that the domestic violence came to light after a police officer saw photos of the victim's injuries, on her friend's phone, in December 2021. The victim had confided in her pal, including sending her picture messages and stated that she had to use crutches to get around after the attack. The woman later told the police that Crossling had "grabbed her by the neck and squeezed tight" before he had punched her in the face, and repeatedly stamped on her legs as she "lay curled up in a ball" on the floor.

When Crossling, 34, was arrested on April 8, 2022, he told police he would "never hurt her". Crossling, now of HMP Stocken in Rutland, but previously of Middlesbrough, admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm. He has 20 other convictions for 53 offences, which include battery and affray.

Benjamin Bell, mitigating, told the court that his client is now serving a prison term for attacking his ex-partner. He was sentenced to 43-months in December 2022; and is expected to be released in July. Judge Patrick Palmer jailed Crossling for 10 months, which will run consecutively to his current sentence.

Dale Thompson

Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (9)

A 'disrespectful' brute strangled his ex-girlfriend - lifting her off the ground by the throat in a terrifying attack.

Dale Thompson subjected his former partner to the assault on December 22, after attending her Hartlepool home - something he was banned from doing by a court order. Teesside Crown Court heard the defendant had been in a relationship with the woman for around six years but this broke down in March 2023.

The 28-year-old was made subject of a "non-molestation order" - banning contact with the victim, but he repeatedly flouted this. Prosecutor Paul Abrahams told the court at around 8pm, the woman was at home with her niece when the defendant turned up on her doorstep.

He said it was only when she answered the door that she realised it was the defendant and an argument broke out. Mr Abrahams said: "The defendant was prohibited from attending her address - something she told him - but he ignored this and instead grabbed her by the throat by both hands, squeezed her neck and lifted her from the floor causing her to have difficulties breathing." The court heard not long after her niece screamed causing the defendant to release the woman and flee. However, just six days later at around 9.30pm the Hartlepool defendant returned.

Mr Abrahams said the woman was walking home with her sister-in-law when she saw the defendant standing outside her home. He said she managed to sneak inside but he then began to shout for her to open the door which she refused.

"He began to kick the front door causing it to come off its hinges - the defendant then entered the property but was pushed back out by the complainant", Mr Abrahams said.

Shortly after the police arrived and he was arrested before things could escalate, the court heard. The defendant was interviewed but answered no comment to all questions put to him. He later pleaded guilty to the following:

  • Intentional strangulation
  • Criminal damage
  • Two breaches of a non-molestation order

The court heard the defendant has 10 convictions for 14 offences which include domestic matters and breaching a restraining order. In mitigation, Thompson's barrister Calum McNicholas said the attack was short lived and asked for credit for the defendant's guilty pleas. He also said the Thompson has reconciled with his mother and she will provide him with a place to live and support on his release from prison.

The defendant, of Bodmin Grove, in the Throston area of town, was sentenced to three years and six months in prison and banned from contacting the victim.

Robert Soloman

Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (10)

Thug Robert Soloman rained down punches on his ex-partner before throwing a 40-inch TV at her and hitting her over the head with a vodka bottle.

Robert Soloman launched the vicious attack on the woman in his home in Dormanstown, Teesside Crown Court heard. Prosecutor Victoria Lamballe told the court the pair were previously in a "toxic" relationship for around two years but were separated at the time of the attack.

She said on November 18, last year, the pair enjoyed drinks together at Soloman's Redcar home but an argument broke out over the defendant's treatment of his eight-week-old puppy. She said the pair soon made up but stopped when the defendant told her he "wasn't feeling it anymore".

The Middlesbrough court heard he then began to shout at her calling her a "s***" and asking her "who the f*** she thought she was". Ms Lamballe said: "He then punched her to the left side of her face.

"When she shouted at him that he was out of order and tried to push him he continued to punch her. He then screamed at her to get out of the house."

The court heard the woman grabbed her clothes to leave but he started to punch her again. Ms Lamballe said he took her phone and threw it against the wall before hitting her again and throwing a 40-inch TV at her - which thankfully missed.

The prosecutor said the woman told Soloman she loved him in a bid to stop the attack but he again struck her repeatedly before suddenly saying "come on let's get cleaned up, I'm not going to punch you anymore".

However, the court heard he didn't keep his word and shortly after punched her again in the face before picking up a fork and lunging towards her. Ms Lamballe said: "He made contact with the left side of her face.

"He was screaming at her to get out of the house and picked up an empty vodka bottle and struck her to the back of the head several times. Fearing the assault would escalate further, she fled from the house in just her top and knickers."

The court heard a neighbour contacted the police on her behalf and the defendant was arrested. In a victim impact statement, the woman said her mental health has been impacted by the assault. She said she doesn't trust people anymore and thought the defendant cared about her.

In police interview, the court heard Soloman told officers the two of them had "scuffled" and claimed the woman had 'grabbed his testicl*s and made him bleed'. The 32-year-old later pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Kate Clarke, mitigating, asked for credit for the defendant's guilty plea and said his time on remand has been a "shock" to him. The Harton Close defendant was handed a 24-month prison sentence and banned from contacting the victim.

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Superglue, strangulation and stab attack: Names and faces of 10 bully boyfriends (2024)
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