TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (2024)

You’ve likely already heard of TikTok, the Chinese social network that is currently experiencing global popularity, particularly among teenagers

Music, dances, and engaging videos, not to mention lip sync dubbing, have propelled this young startup to such success that it is challenging the dominance of giants like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

With this TikTok guide, we will see what it is and how the social network of the moment works. If you are a social media enthusiast, discover the Social Media Marketing Courses by Digital Coach®!

Table of Contents hide

TikTok: what is it?

Its history

Why use TikTok?

Why companies should use TikTok

Who are the TikTok users and in which countries is it most popular

Age limits, safety, and privacy on TikTok guide

TikTok guide: how it works

How to create a TikTok account

How TikTok’s algorithm works

“For You”: the elusive TikTok home page

TikTok video: creation guide

How to create videos on TikTok

Tips for a viral video on TikTok

Most viewed videos on TikTok

The most popular influencers (TikToker or Muser) in the United States

Who are the most followed TikTokers in the world?

How to become famous on TikTok

A complete and polished profile

Interaction among TikToker

Frequent and original content

Use hashtags and description

BOTs and buying followers: forget about them!


TikTok: what is it?

As mentioned earlier, thanks to this user guide, you will discover what this curious trend of videos with musical choreographies and lip-sync songs is all about.

But not only that, you will learn how to create an account to become a fun “Tiktoker” or “Muser“. But now, let’s begin at the start.

Its history

TikTok is a social network born in China in 2016, it is an idea by entrepreneur and computer engineer Zhang Yiming.

The journey of the Chinese app began a few years earlier when the company ByteDance acquired Musical.ly, a platform that creatively incorporated music and videos and primarily targeted teenagers.

This way, engineer Yiming secured loyal users to the social network and a staff well-versed in the trend of the moment.

After the merger and keeping the name we know today, TikTok began to make itself known beyond borders, first becoming popular in Indonesia, and then gradually influencing European and American markets, where it is now among the most downloaded applications.

Why use TikTok?

One of the main reasons to use this fun and original social network is the freedom to get involved, and express your personality and creativity, all while having fun.

So far, it seems to be the ideal “place” for young people and especially for teenagers, where they can take themselves lightly and laugh at themselves without the anxiety of having to show a perfect Instagram-style life, without fake news and bad examples to emulate, features that make it different and, for this reason, attractive.

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (1)

However, as we all know, perfection does not exist. Recently, even on this fun social network, there have been condemnable cases that unfortunately have been repeated by reckless young people.

This is the case of the so-called “Skull Breaker Challenge“, a potential cause of broken bones and urgent trips to orthopedic care.

Despite these isolated cases, scrolling through the Home page (called “For You“) on TikTok as a user, you will mostly find short videos that bring a smile and convey lightness.

As a creator, you will experience the same emotions while shooting and editing your videos.

This is precisely the company’s goal, as stated in the slogan published on their website:

“TikTok is the top platform for short mobile videos, aiming to spark creativity and spread joy”.

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (2)

Another advantage of TikTok is its popularity among teenagers, who have developed a unique glossary.

  • Challengesenable participants in a position to express their creativity by competing on a predefined theme.
  • Duets allow users to perform alongside another TikToker’s video by inserting their performance.
  • Cringe videosare typically embarrassing performances that provoke laughter.
  • Reaction videos, where a user can record their reaction and insert it at the exact point of the original video that elicited it.

Other reasons why TikTok is so popular?

It is practically a virtual world inhabited by professional and amateur video-makers ready to inspire you and content editors capable of creating videos you never want to stop watching.

The beauty is that you too can become one of them, sharing your talent and capturing moments of pure fun!

Why companies should use TikTok

The jargon of this platform perfectly fits “Generation Z,” but recently the novelty has also reached those over 25. That’s why brands should start using TikTok too.

The target audience for companies is gradually expanding, as has already happened with other famous social networks that were initially overlooked.

Generally, it is the younger ones who discover, test, and launch new trends, slowly spreading and involving the older generations.

In the United States, some large companies like Guess and McDonald’s have already tested the advantages that TikTok Guide can bring to their brand.

Since there is not yet a well-structured internal mechanism for creating ads, the weapon that must be used in a digital strategy on TikTok is represented by hashtag challenges.

How? For example, by inviting users to upload their video using the hashtag proposed by the company, in exchange for discounts, mentions, or other incentives.

Therefore, it is necessary not to be caught unprepared and start incorporating a TikTok guide into your Digital Strategy, by attending a TikTok Marketing Courseand investing in brand awareness to take advantage of the constant increase in active users, available creativity, and still very high organic reach.

Download the free resource and find out what to do to succeed on TikTok

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (3)

Who are the TikTok users and in which countries is it most popular

Until now, TikTok has conquered almost 1 billion users, 30% of whom are not yet adults. Most TikTokers are in China, followed by about 250 million in India and 100 million in the United States.

It is currently the most downloaded app in more than 150 countries, thanks to its translation into 75 languages.

The purpose of this TikTok guide is to provide a way to leverage the potential of this new social network, using it as a business resource or simply as a platform to showcase your creative talent.

The many young users are united by TikTok’s unique features, which make it different from other social networks, namely songs, hashtags, and challenges, which do not distinguish age, gender, or language, nor have any other barriers.

As previously mentioned, the Muser is mainly represented by teenagers, not surprisingly two of the three most followed accounts in the world belong to two American girls aged 15 and 17.

Recently, Zhang Yiming’s social network has become so popular that, in addition to Generation Z, it is also attracting older users, brands, and celebrities. Need confirmation?

The most followed showman in the world is actor Will Smith, who’s over 50.

Age limits, safety, and privacy on TikTok guide

The minimum age to register on TikTok, as specified in the Terms of Service, is 13 years old, a limit accompanied by quite a bit of controversy.

It is no secret that the Chinese social network was fined about $5.7 million in the United States for allowing the creation of accounts for users under the legal age limit, showing significant flaws in the monitoring system.

The responsibility taken by TikTok was certainly not delayed, resorting to advanced updates in terms of privacy protection.

However, this hasn’t stopped understandably worried parents from being concerned about how malicious people might exploit their children’s innocence.

Young social media users often publicly show and tell a lot about themselves, accept friend requests from strangers for a few more likes, and do not always demonstrate a deep understanding of the dangers of the web.

This is why parental control is crucial, as parents need to supervise and guide their children towards responsible use of technology and social networks.

Not only children under 13 but also teenagers are at risk. This is an age where identity is forming, and the danger in the virtual world is developing based on others’ approval, in the form of the number of followers.

The good news is that parents have a series of tools available to enhance their children’s online identity security on theTikTok guide:

  • Private account setting: by default, a newly created profile is visible to everyone with all its content. By setting the account to private, users requesting friendship can only see posts and comments if approved.
  • Content filter: it is possible to insert a list of banned words that, if present, prevent the content from being displayed.

But that’s not all, to further strengthen the online security of its young users, TikTok has committed to developing a program called Family Pairing.

This is a set of tools that will allow parents to connect their accounts with their children’s, to monitor their activity on the platform carefully.

The control options are as follows (you can also find them in the Official Statement):

  • Time management: parents can monitor how much time their child spends on TikTok.
  • Restricted mode: it is possible to limit content that is not suitable for younger viewers.
  • Direct messages: It is no longer possible to send direct messages to users under 16.

TikTok guide: how it works

After this initial digression, let’s now get into the more technical but no less engaging part, where we will see how TikTok works. In fact, by following this guide, you can start having fun on TikTok, not only as a spectator.

You don’t need to register to view content, but if you want to dive into the mix as a Muser, you must create an account.

Continue reading to find out how to do it, but first, start by downloading the app on your smartphone, available for free on the Apple Store and the Google Play Store.

How to create a TikTok account

Once you’ve finished downloading and launched the application, you can start creating your TikTok account by choosing whether to register using an email or phone number, or by using existing data from other social profiles such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Google account.

By doing so, your TikTok profile will automatically have your name and profile picture. And what if you choose the procedure via phone or email?

  • First, you’ll need to enter your date of birth and then your email or phone number.
  • You’ll receive a 4-digit verification code that you’ll need to enter to proceed with the activation.
  • At this point, you can choose a password and click “Accept”.

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (4)

Great, now your account is active. All that’s left is to customize your profile by adding a username, photo, and other details:

  • By clicking on “Edit Profile,” you’ll access a screen where you can enter your name and username (the one preceded by [@] that other users will use to find or tag you), your profile picture (you’ll need to grant permission for the app to access your gallery), a short biography (80 characters available), and finally, links to your Instagram and YouTube accounts.

Another thing you can do during setup is to disable TikTok’s annoying notifications, sometimes the platform uses push notifications to catch your attention, encouraging you to return to the platform.

Often these notifications are off-target or come at the wrong times, so I recommend disabling them and forgetting about them.

Now you can save the changes and understand how this new social platform works! Are you thinking of using TikTok on PC?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a native app for Windows yet, so your only option is to use an Android system emulator and the application’s APK.

By downloading the free mini guide, you’ll learn how to become a Social Media Marketing Professional

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (5)

How TikTok’s algorithm works

On the Google Play page where you can download the app, there’s information suggesting how TikTok’s algorithm works:

“A customized experience tailored to you, based on the content you view, like, and share! TikTok adapts to your taste to offer you the most relevant, interesting, fun, special, irresistible videos that you’ll never want to stop watching!”

TikTok’s algorithm isn’t all that different from other social networks, the Machine Learning behind the application analyzes your tastes based on your actions on the platform and suggests videos that reflect your interests, to involve you for as long as possible.

Each post is also subject to analysis, it’s initially shown to a segment of users, and if it garners interactions, it’s shown to a wider audience because it’s considered high-quality.

However, there are some differences with other social networks, and it’s useful to know them to our advantage. For example, scrolling through the related videos suggested by the algorithm risks trapping us in a loop of repetitive content.

That’s why it’s worth trying to escape Artificial Intelligence (AI) by searching for niche hashtags and specific content creators.

“For You”: the elusive TikTok home page

The selection of “for you” content chosen by the platform’s AI is featured on the hypnotic TikTok Homepage, capable of keeping you glued to the screen with viral videos played one after another.

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (6)

What you can do to ensure a pleasant navigation on the social platform is to make sure your tastes are correctly interpreted. Any advice for training the algorithm?

  • When you see the content you like, interact! Like, leave a comment, share it, or save the video to your gallery.
  • Have you seen a video that doesn’t reflect your interests or an author that doesn’t excite you? Move on quickly! The functioning of the algorithm isn’t known for certain but it’s likely that it also interprets the time spent on a piece of content (it’s not coincidental that it’s a trick used by content creators to ensure their videos have a long stay in TikTok’s “For You” section, but we’ll talk more about this later!).

TikTok video: creation guide

Here we are at probably the most engaging part of this TikTok guide!The feature that differentiates the Chinese social platform from all others lies precisely in the uniqueness of the videos it contains and the tools provided by the platform to create them.

Don’t worry, the “toolbox” for video editing is quite rich, but you’ll realize how intuitive the creation steps are. Now let’s get to it.

How to create videos on TikTok

Are you ready to bring your first TikTok video to life? Your moment has come, follow these instructions and showcase your creativity like a true Tiktoker!

Creating videos on TikTok is simple:

  • Tap the [+] button on the application bar (where you also find the Home and Profile icons).
  • Grant permission to use your smartphone’s camera and microphone.
  • At the bottom, you can select the maximum duration of the video you want to record (15 or 60 seconds), while clicking on MV allows you to select photos and play them in sequence, even with background music. Give it a try!
  • Now you can decide whether to upload a video from your gallery or record it from within the app using the Rec button (the red, round one), which you’ll need to hold down for the entire duration of the video and release to stop recording.

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (7)

Done already? Wait before I help you discover how to upload a video with the effects offered by TikTok’s editor, which you’ll find on the right side of the screen:

  • With the Flip button, you can switch from the rear camera to selfie mode to record yourself.
  • With Speed, you can slow down or speed up the recording, even at specific points in the video.
  • With Beauty, the magic wand button, you can enhance the image quality, especially in selfie mode as it smoothens and brightens the face.
  • With the Filters, organized into categories, you can edit photos and videos like a pro, before or after recording.
  • With the Timer button, you can record hands-free by setting an automatic countdown, and, a very interesting detail, it allows recording in segments. How does it work? Start recording hands-free, press the button to pause, and when you press it again (maybe after changing the frame), the video will resume from where you left off. The effect is fantastic!
  • With the Flash, turn on the light!
  • Finally, the highlight, by clicking on Sounds (the button at the top with the musical note) you’ll enter the TikTok music library. Here you’ll find the most listened-to playlists, the latest releases, the tracks that have gone viral among users, and the music chosen “For You” by the algorithm (which has probably already figured out your tastes). Additionally, you can use the search bar to type the title of a song you like or visit the Favorites section (when you find an interesting track, you can save it in this folder so you can use it when needed). Oh, don’t forget to adjust the Volume!

Once you’ve registered, click on the red checkmark on the right and proceed to add the final details. Yes, you still have the option to add custom text, voice effects, stickers, and emojis.

At this point, you can preview your work, and if you’re satisfied, tap Next to proceed to the last screen before publishing.

We’re almost there, you’ve created your TikTok video with effects, and now it’s time to select a cover and describe your video with a caption.

Additionally, you can add relevant hashtags and mention your friends. Then, move on to privacy settings, selecting who can view your video (Public, Friends, or Private), then decide whether to allow comments, duets, and reactions.

You also have the option to save the video to your device and/or share it on WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook.

Here we are at the final step, you can save your work in the Drafts folder or, finally, debut as a content creator on TikTok by clicking the Publish button. Well, now you’re officially a Tiktoker!

Tips for a viral video on TikTok

Do you know the secret to becoming a successful TikToker? Creating a beautiful and engaging video, so much so that it goes viral.

With this TikTok guide, I want to offer you some tips on how to create a viral video like a true TikToker!

Here they are:

  • Content type: photo or video? Nothing to discuss, video is the dominant content on this platform. Consider using music suitable for the context and reflects the current trend.
  • Challenges and Duets: these two features of Chinese social media represent a trend that is becoming very popular, which is why some musical backgrounds have become real hits. A golden opportunity to gain visibility, don’t miss it!
  • Trending Hashtags: using trendy and relevant hashtags in your content is an excellent way to generate virality. How can you find them? Watch the most popular videos and you will immediately notice which hashtags are being used.
  • Engagement: interaction with other users of the platform is crucial. If you want to be followed and get likes, comments, and shares, do the same! If you think a fellow Muser has made a great video, write it in the comments.
  • Call to Action: inserting a CTA in your video description could be a good move to engage your followers. Some examples? “Like and share”, “Follow me and leave a comment”, etc.
  • Average View Time: it’s no coincidence that the platform offers an editor with so many tools. TikTok’s goal is to keep a user glued to a piece of content for as long as possible. So, if this becomes your goal too, the algorithm will reward you. Ensure that your followers watch your video in full, as TikTok’s algorithm rewards the “Completion Rate”, i.e., the percentage of users who watch the content until the end.
  • Capture Attention: to achieve a good average view time, or perhaps the completion rate, it’s essential to immediately grab the user’s attention and then maintain it with engaging content. Some use tricks, for example, creating short videos that loop, making it difficult to understand where they start and end, this tactic keeps the user in front of the content for longer.

Lastly, to become a successful TikToker, you might want to master popular choreographies and dubbing, consistently post content, and identify a specific target audience to engage with.

Most viewed videos on TikTok

Speaking of viral and trending content, do you want to discover the most viewed videos on TikTok? The platform itself has released the Top 100 list of best videos of the year, categorizing them into 10 categories.

Let’s take a look at two that reflect the characteristics most rewarded by TikTok, namely viral and creative:

  • The most viral video of all time is by David Dobrik (@daviddobrik) who, with a surprising chemical reaction between elements, created “Elephant Toothpaste”.
  • The most viewed video in the “best Creators” category belongs to Zach King (@zachking), a master of creativity and illusion, who can turn a glass of water into a cake!

It is not just individual videos that get a surge in views but also trends, which specifically can be represented by a hashtag or a challenge.

Among the hashtags with the most views in the United States, we have:

  • #fyp (or #ForYouPage), this hashtag signifies users’ desire for their video to be featured on the coveted “For You” page, the main discovery feed on TikTok.
  • #comedy (or funny), attracts viewers seeking laughs and lighthearted content.
  • #challenge (or specific challenge name), helps users to find popular challenges to participate in, leading to a surge in views.

But the number one trend worldwide is, with 746 million views (just in 2019), the #nowlookatme challenge.

It’s a challenge where transformations in appearance or spectacular outfit changes are shown to the tune of the song Absolutely Anything by the artist CG5.

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (8)

Here are the Top 10 most-viewed TikTok videos in the United States:

  1. Zach King’s Illusion (US-Specific): his illusions are generally popular so a US-themed trick might be a contender.
  2. James Charles’ Transformation (US-Focused): a festive or pop-culture-themed transformation could be popular in the US.
  3. American Creator’s Video (Genre may vary): this could be a dance by Addison Rae, a comedy by Khaby Lame, or a song by a US artist.
  4. Another Zach King Masterpiece: his talent for illusions seems to resonate globally.
  5. Bella Poarch’s “M to the B”: this global viral hit likely did well in the US too.
  6. Viral US Dance Trend: a catchy dance trend created by a US user could be here.
  7. Another American Creator’s Video: this spot could feature another popular US creator like Charli D’Amelio or MrBeast.
  8. US Food Trend Video: perhaps a satisfying food preparation clip featuring a popular US dish.
  9. Funny US Skit: a hilarious skit by a US comedian like Kevin Freshwater could be a contender.
  10. US Music Video Challenge: a challenge using a popular US song with creative video responses.

The most popular influencers (TikToker or Muser) in the United States

To compile a ranking of the best American TikTokers, it’s necessary to distinguish accounts with the most followers from Musers who have generated the highest number of interactions with their content.

In the Top 5 most followed TikTokers in the United States, we find:

  1. Charli D’Amelio (154 million+): this American dancer held the top spot globally for a while before being surpassed.
  2. Bella Poarch (93.9 million): known for her viral “M to the B” video.
  3. Addison Rae (88.6 million): another American dancer who rises to fame on TikTok.
  4. Will Smith (74.1 million): a surprising entry, the Hollywood A-lister has a massive US following.
  5. Jason Derulo (59.3 million): the singer and dancer has a strong presence on TikTok.

Let’s now see the Top 5 American creators on TikTok:

  1. Zach King (@zachking): a master of illusion and visual effects, his mind-bending tricks and edits will have you watching twice.
  2. Khaby Lame (@khaby.lame): this comedian uses his signature silent skits to expose overly complicated solutions to simple problems.
  3. Addison Rae (@addisonre): while known for dance initially, she’s grown into a multi-faceted creator with lifestyle and beauty content.
  4. Nara Smith (@naraazizasmith): a rising star known for her comedic storytelling and relatable characters.
  5. Olivia Rodrigo (@livbedumb): the chart-topping singer uses TikTok to connect with fans and share glimpses into her creative process.

And the most followed American celebrities on TikTok? First place goes to Charli D’Amelio, followed by Bella Poarch and Addison Rae.

Who are the most followed TikTokers in the world?

The number of followers of the most famous TikTokers in the world is significantly higher than the other top players.

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (9)

Let’s get to know them together:

  • The most-followed influencer in the world on TikTok is Khaby Lame (@khaby.lame). This comedian from Senegal uses side-splitting silent skits to dismantle overly complicated solutions to everyday problems. His signature raised eyebrows and playful expressions have won him fans worldwide.
  • In second place sits Charli D’Amelio (@charlidamelio). This American dancer took the world by storm with her infectious energy and catchy routines. While she’s been dethroned from the top spot, her massive global following still makes her a major influencer.
  • Third place goes to MrBeast (@mrbeast). Jimmy Donaldson, better known as MrBeast, is a YouTube star who has also become a TikTok powerhouse. His outrageous stunts, expensive challenges, and crazy giveaways in his videos have captured the attention of millions.

Are you curious about the most followed entertainment personalities in the world too?

The undisputed King is Khaby Lame, second place goes to Charli D’Amelio, and the last one is Mr. Beast with outrageous challenges.

How to earn on TikTok

Are you ready to discover how to earn on TikTok?

Let’s start with the premise that companies are hunting for influencers to promote their brand, selecting from the most followed accounts with the highest engagement so put into practice the tips this TikTok guide offered for you to be ready!

There are several tricks to monetize your activity on the Chinese social platform and earn online, keep reading to find out what they are.

Social Media Marketing

Given that, at the moment TikTok Ads are in the testing phase and some big companies are experimenting with them, it could be a good move to get ahead and start training to do marketing on TikTok.

There are already guides that offer practical insights but the secret to making the most of this platform is to know the science of marketing applied to social networks, namely Social Media Marketing.

There are several Social Media Marketing Courses that could be right for you, and below you’ll find an aptitude test to put yourself to the test and find out in a few minutes if the profession of Social Media Manager is right for you!

Take the free test and find out if you have what it takes to be a social media manager on TikTok

Influencer Marketing

Just like on other famous social platforms, leveraging Influencer Marketing to sponsor a brand is also a common practice on TikTok.

The opportunity to earn as an influencer is, however, a privilege for content creators who have a large following, and for whom companies are willing to pay thousands of dollars for a single post.

Don’t worry, later on, we’ll see some secrets to increase the number of your followers.

Product sales

If you’re a Muser capable of producing your merchandise, you’re lucky enough to be able to use this platform to promote and sell your products.

Create engaging content, always keeping in mind that the Chinese social network is not an e-commerce platform, and intrigue your user base without making overt sales attempts.

An example? If your business involves selling beauty products, use them on yourself in your videos (perhaps in a tutorial) to show how they work and what problems they solve.

Don’t have your product line? No problem, you can sell other people’s products through Affiliate Marketing and earn commissions.

Cross-promotion on Social Networks

What does it mean? Cross-promotion across various social networks involves using all social profiles to promote products but also the accounts themselves.

The “fan base” you’ve built over time on Mark Zuckerberg’s platforms might be interested in following you on TikTok as well, but, due to its novelty, they might not be aware of your account.

Use stories and your posts to bring your followers to the music social network, thus increasing both your sales target and your chances of growing as an influencer.

How to become famous on TikTok

Before you even think about it for a moment, let me give you the first suggestion (or warning), don’t use a follower generator!

Believe me, it’s not the solution to becoming famous on TikTokand it’s not the path taken by TikTokers of the caliber of Charli D’Amelio (the most followed in the world).

However, to increase the number of followers and likes, don’t focus immediately on TikTokers with more than 40 million followers, but take them as an example to follow to start building your fame.

By doing so, you will notice that their profiles have something in common. Let’s see what.

A complete and polished profile

You have 80 characters to write a biography, you certainly don’t need to use them all, but describe yourself and what you do, what your talents and passions are, in the best possible way.

Use emoticons to add some color to your description make it more engaging, and ensure it aligns with the post you publish. Use a bright, friendly, high-resolution profile picture, and consider using a moving photo.

Interaction among TikToker

Interact (often) with target profiles through thoughtful and spontaneous comments, likes, and shares. This way, you’ll connect with users who might reciprocate and you’ll start getting noticed by their followers too.

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (11)

If you receive comments on your videos, be available and try to respond to all of them (though, it might get a bit challenging when you’re famous).

Also, to create an initial user base, link your other social accounts to your profile and invite your friends to follow you, they’ll be the first to engage.

Frequent and original content

Creativity and originality are the keys to success on TikTok. Create quality, engaging, and entertaining content that aims to hit your followers’ tastes and the platform’s algorithm.

In this TikTok guide, you’ll find tips for creating viral videos, take inspiration from them! Post regularly, leveraging current trends and the trendiest songs (as long as they suit your content).

Use hashtags and description

Adding a video description is an excellent way to preview its content and arouse curiosity. Additionally, we can use the caption to include a CTA (call to action) and relevant hashtags.

Using hashtags will increase your chances of appearing in the “For You” section for users in your target audience and this regard, I recommend starting with hashtags like #foryou and #foryoupage.

BOTs and buying followers: forget about them!

Even though buying and selling followers might seem like the easiest route to take, I assure you it’s equally counterproductive, and I’ll explain why:

  • Regarding TikTok bots: these are automations that interact with other profiles on your behalf. They’re skilled at leaving generic and out-of-context comments, as well as mastering the follow/unfollow strategy, essentially the opposite of what a human would do to build genuine relationships. Moreover, social media platforms’ AI is becoming increasingly adept at recognizing this automation and rightfully penalizing them.
  • Regarding buying followers: it involves acquiring a certain number of followers for payment, but since they’re fake profiles, they won’t bring you any engagement. Want to become an influencer? There are analytics tools to detect fake accounts. Want to sell your products? Only real people can do this, not fake fan clubs.


There are no more doubts, TikTok is the social media of the moment and its potential is immense.

Whether you want to exploit it as a business opportunity, proudly showcase your creative abilities, or simply as a pastime, follow this TikTok guide and dive in, there are millions and millions of people waiting for you!

Empower your brand with our TikTok guide! Get in touch today and let’s make your content stand out!


TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (12)

May Marcelino

Hello there! I’m passionate about a variety of interests, including playing badminton, diving into video games, indulging in movies and series, and exploring new destinations while listening to my favorite tunes. I thrive on learning, constantly seeking out new knowledge and experiences. My professional journey started in a call center, but I’ve transitioned into freelancing, dedicating myself to continuous improvement and striving to be the best at what I do.

TikTok guide: what it is and how it works (2024)
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