Transcript of Tracee Ellis Ross Returns ... | Happy Scribe (2024)


When you wake up well rested on a great mattress, everything becomes clear. I do overthink everything. Things you missed when you were tired finally reveal themselves.


I should just get fake plants.


It's the president's day sale at mattress firm. Get a king bed for a queen price. Save up to $700, plus a free adjustable base with select ceiling mattresses. See a lower price, we'll match it. The right mattress matters. We'll find yours. Restrictions apply. See store our website for details. Hi. My name is Tracy Ellis Ross, and I feel delighted about being Conan O'Brien's friend.


Fall is here. Hear the l, back to school, ring the bell brand new shoes walk and lose climb the fence books and pens.


I can tell that we are gonna need friends.


I can tell that we are gonna need friends hey, there. Welcome to Conan O'Brien needs a friend. I am Conan O'Brien. I do need a friend. I think we've done a lot of these. I don't think any of them have quite stuck. Initially, there's some enthusiasm, and then calls are placed and not returned. But I'm here with people who are contractually my friends. That's true. You are obligated to be my friends.


We've made friends.


Yeah, we're friends.


No, we've made friends, too. With some of the guests and stuff. Yeah. So we're doing great.


That's right. It's funny, too. They're constantly texting you guys, and I'm left out in the cold.




Harrison Ford and I are at Chipotle most days. What is he like to get at Chipotle? The bowl. The bowl. I love the bowl. And then get off my plane. And, sono, who have you been hanging out with? Of the stars that have been on the show. You text a lot.


I do. I'm a big texter.


Yeah, you're texting with a bunch of different celebrities.


I'm trying to think of someone. Hillary Clinton.


You're such a bad liar. Ms. Mossessan, as you know, there's been a murder, and you are a suspect. Can we talk to you for a second? Where were you when the murder happened? Laundromat. Laundromat. Laundromat. Laundromat. Laundromat.


I'm asking them.


Laundromat. What do you think?




Where was the murder victim? It was just outside the laundromat. Okay, then not the laundromat. Terrible liar.


I am a bad liar, though. For real.


You are. Sona is one of the most honest people I've ever met. She can't lie. Which has caused major problems for us at times because you've told me flat out what you thought of the show or how I did on something. But it's good. I need to know the truth.


Yeah. So, I mean, Hillary Clinton and I are just like. We're tight.


What do you guys do?


Yeah, we go to Magic Mountain.


Wow. She loves Magic Mountain.


She loves it.


Not what I expect.


She loves roller coasters.


Oh, good. She liked the one that goes upside down.


Yeah, she likes that one.


She likes Riddler's revenge.


She loves Riddler's revenge. She loves Superman. She loves Goliath.


She loves. Don't put question marks after these. Why are you putting your finger on your lip like a Hitler mustache? I know, it's so funny.


Yeah, no, but we go to Six.


Flags, all the podcast. Hillary Clinton did the podcast and I got the sense that she is a lot of fun. I got the impression that you did. No, I did.


I don't want to say anything, but I don't know. Fun she is.


No, I'm not kidding. And I've heard from a lot of people that she's a lot of fun. Like when you get away from politics and everything, that she's lots of fun, that she enjoys herself. She laughs a lot. Yeah. And she likes Riddler's revenge.


I figured she just likes going on long walks, which I feel like is a lot of people just like going on long walks.


Just long, not a hard G. Don't do that, Conan. Do you hear it? Do you hear it? Yeah, I hear it.


Well, you heard it too. I'm not judging it.


Look, I can't lie either. I heard your care.


It is. There's a g at the end of it.


Yeah, but listen, it's like a speed bump. You just want to glide over that long. But then you go long and then long and the car goes over a little. Do you know what I mean? Long. Just picture driving a car. You don't want to go over that speedbox. I don't think you understand. Oh, this is like the king's speech. Yeah. How do you pronounce this word?


Sign? Idiot. Sorry.


S-I-G-N. I'm just trying to help you. I'm just trying to get to the bottom. Listen, I know you have to give a big speech as the new king and we're here to help you.


I'm sorry I called you.


This is a miramax movie and it's going to make cleanup at the oscars. If you are what he said this royal ruler. What is that called? The male royal ruler. Royal Gerald.


What are you talking.


Say this word. Oh, my God, there's so much writing on this.


King. Really?


No, King king. You're just king.


King. There's a know, but the English language.


Has a lot of silent letters.


What made you to the boss? What made you to the boss?


I actually am the boss. Your name is on every dictionary.


It tells you how to pronounce it.


If you look at dictionaries, they do tell you how to pronounce it.


Tells you the pronunciation. And the pronunciation has a g at the end.


Yeah, but I think when you use, what is it, the IPA, the international phonetic Alphabet, would tell you that. That's not. I'm checking a metric. I'm checking a metric that only I have. We are shedding listeners like crazy. We are shedding listeners like crazy the minute we start talking about the name of the phonetic symbol in the OED.


I think you need to prove this, that you guys are saying good correctly and I'm saying it incorrectly.


I'm working on it.




Yeah, but listen. And so, no, this doesn't come from a place of bullying or anything.


It does.


Well, for me. It does. But I'm saying from that. I think it comes from a good place.


I know. I feel bad. I called you an idiot.


No, you shouldn't, because I feel like it seems like I'm coming down on you when that is the last thing I want to do. Because how did you think I was.


Going to pronounce sign?


I was genuinely curious. I wanted to hear if you would do sagna or sagan.


Now you get angry at me for.


Calling you an idiot.


And you wrote the word sign, and you were like, how do you pronounce sign?


I didn't get angry with you calling me an idiot. I agree.


Okay. I don't like this.


Remember the time I wrote kick me and put it on your back and you got really mad and you said, who put this signy on me? That's funny because it's a callback. Here's something that just happened, which means it's not a callback. Okay. Why did chicken cross the road? It's a chicken. That's a callback to it being a chicken. Sorry. Google King pronunciation. Yeah. There's a popular Google search that says, is the G in King silent? So it says ring and king, ringa and kinga in case are nouns while ing is a gerund. And in most cases, G is silent because it's easier to pronounce just try to pronounce something and you'll see there's an effort in pronouncing g, which sounds unnecessary. I think that's the thing.


Doesn't say it shouldn't be pronounced.


But can I say something? The point that Matt makes through his very strange app. Is that an app? I think he consults regularly. No, this pronunciation app. What I'm saying is I think that the point they're making is that it takes more effort. And that's what he and I are both concerned about, is that it takes effort to say something. It's an effort that you don't need. We're trying to ease your burden in life. Don't you think that's fair? Plus, we have definitive. Here, this is the Cambridge dictionary, which is from England, which is technically the king's English. Here's the pronunciation.




Try it again.


King. King.


You know what? It's both. It's in between, I have to say, and I don't like saying this. They're closer to Sona than they are to us. No, I'd say it's midpoint, because she's not saying, gee, she's saying king. Yeah, but why is she doing a. Nah, why is she doing it?


It's king.


That's the uk pronunciation. Here's the US king. You know what I wish it said on the US? It's America. We don't have a f*cking king. Get a president. Get a president and suck it. That's what I wish it. Oh, how do you say king in America? We don't, asshole. We say president. It's in the constitution. Now suck it.


All right.


Well, I'm glad we straightened that out.


Well, you guys are lazy. So you don't pronounce all the letters.


That's what we learned, Tono. We just went on this fancy speaking app and it told us, I don't know, it was in the middle. And so I think I say that I forgive you and I apologize.


I did not apologize, and I accept your apology.




And you're forgiven.


Wait. I said I forgive you, and then you said, I don't apologize. What does that mean?


Why are you forgiving me if I didn't apologize?


The bigger concern is that for the last three recordings, you and I have been on the same side. And I don't know what to do about this is the beginning, as they say at the end of Casablanca, of a wonderful new friendship. I don't think that's exactly right. It's not wonderful. Now fans are going to write in. It's not wonderful. I think it's beautiful. Shut up, fan. My guest today.


You're so hostile.


Oh, you don't have to be. Walking down the street on your way to buy some starbursts at Walgreens when.


Someone'S like, excuse me, but you misquoted the end of Casablanca, and then suddenly.


I'm in a knife fight, when all I wanted was some starbursts.


Do you have a knife?


He has a knife, and I have a knife. And then you hear the west side Story music playing. Yeah, it's knife. My guest today starred in the hit ABC series Blackish. Now you can see her in the new movie Cold Copy, which is in theaters and available on demand. Tracy Ellis Ross, welcome. This is your second time on the podcast.


Yeah, but now I get to be in the padded room with you.


Exactly. This is the nice room, the really good room that we hadn't built before. But I'll tell you something. You came in here, and such array of sunshine you're wearing. Seriously, your personality. Whenever I'm around you, I feel like I'm having really good, expensive coffee. My heart starts to beat. Know an hour from now, I'll have to go to the bathroom. Come on. But in a good way.


You know, my real middle name is Tracy Joy. Tracy Joy Silverstein is my name.




Yeah. And I cannot drink coffee or eat sugar. I do the sugar thing. But I had a cup of coffee once in high school. Took two sips. It was in exams. We were in the gym 30 seconds later, I was like, what is happening? What is happening? And I felt like my entire soul went up to the ceiling, slapped itself up there, velcroed itself, and I was like, how will I do this exam? I've never had coffee since.


The thing is, you don't need it, because you came in here, and first of all, you came into the studio first, I'm following you, and I just hear a laughter, and everyone's in a good mood. Then I come in. Things quickly settle. Yeah.


Everybody agrees.


Everybody's like, okay. But it's out of respect, right? You always have terrific energy. You really do. Like, you emanate. And that was true all your life, I'm guessing.


I think so. I'm surprised it's happening now, because I am not sleeping well, but I seem to have. I'm glad to hear that, though.


But for good reason, too. You got a call.


I got the call. I got a call this morning that.


You'Re in an Oscar nominated film.


Yeah. I feel really jazzed about that.


American fiction.


American fiction. I feel very proud to be in this film. And we got five Oscar nominations today. And the men who play my brothers in the movie, Sterling K. Brown and Jeffrey Wright, both got nominated, supporting and lead actor. And, you know, they say you're only as good as your scene partner.




So it's mine.


Those are your oscars.


Those are my nominations. And I feel good about it, about my work.


Yes, you should.


I have not seen the film. I have not seen the film yet, but I've heard terrific things about it.


I'm very proud to be in this film. It's a really lovely, hilarious, and also as an artist or anyone in the industry, you'll be like, oh, this is good. But it's also a family comedy at the core. It's a story about a family.


I am not in this section of show business. I don't even know if I'm in any section of show business anymore.


Is that the way they do it? They section it out?


Well, they did early on. They said, you will never be Oscar nominated. You will never be in a. No, no. But listen, it's not my skill set. It's not something I'm interested. I. But I'm just fascinated by the whole idea of, you get a call in the morning and it's like Christmas or something.


It is like Christmas. I mean, it's happened before, like when I was nominated for an Emmy and things like that. Like, you turn your phone on. The best is if you cannot remember, that is the best. So it's a surprise when you remember. It's like a nightmare. You can't sleep. It's like Christmas morning on Christmas, you would, like, wake up so early and your parents are like, go back to bed. It's dark outside. They're like, we haven't put the gifts out yet, but this was a nice surprise. I turned my phone on and I was like, what's happening? Why are there so many texts?


That's nice.




Kind of. Not know. I like to be surprised by good news. Whenever I expect good news, it doesn't come or it just doesn't.


When it comes, even if it's good news, it doesn't quite match up to your imagination.




And you're like, oh, that was nice, but not what I wanted.


I like how you got really quiet.


What do they call this? ASmr. That's so annoying.


Yeah, but it's very. I like this now. Really? I like that. People.


Does it make you sleep? No. It just calms me down. Like when people are cooking and they're chopping. Really?


Yeah. I like that. People listening in their cars right now are leaning over to turn up the volume, taking their eye off the road.


And it's like, no, it's not you, it's us. You're doing fine. You're driving fine. Your ears are fine. Don't go to the doctor.


Actually, go to the doctor.


Go to the doctor. And then maybe they'll call you in the morning. They'll text you and they'll just say, are you alive? And hopefully you'll answer, yeah.


So this is a good day for.


You, but I get to feel you.


Had a lot of good days. Things are humming along pretty well for you.


A friend of mine said. She said, you're a human having a pretty pleasurable experience. And I said, you know what? That is very true. It's a nice way to kind of frame it. It's a mixed bag. Some days have a lot of mixed things in them, but mostly I can't complain. I've really liked getting older.


You like getting older?


I do like getting older.


You know what? I'm going to agree with you on that. I do, too.


It's much better. I wouldn't go back to my paid me.


I can see why there are people who are amazing athletes and they feel sad about the loss of their athleticism. I got them beat because I was never a good athlete. And also, I look at pictures of me when I was young and I wasn't hideous, but also, I didn't stop traffic, so nothing. People weren't like, I got to ride that horse.


No. Pick a different phrase. No.


So I was waiting for some woman to say that to me, and they never did because it's not an expression. We'll try in ASMR, though. I got to ride that. I got to ride that horse.


No, it doesn't make it better than in full voice. No.


No one ever said, I got to break me off a chunk of Conan.


Oh, God. He's now using kit Kat commercials.


I don't know.


By the way, are we all of the age that we knew the peppermint patty commercials? That was the best. When he went skiing, when he broke up in the peppermint patty.


And then. Yes, we all watched the same tv.




Because there were. We did then because there were three channels now I don't want to. Young people listening are like, enough already, old man. But there were three stations, and you.


Had to wake up before you went to bed.


And it snowed so much, it wasn't even snow. What does that mean?


The rain was dry when you took a bath. It was the shower. That's what I said to someone the other day. I said, if you don't know when the 90s were, they were before.


I did have a thing where I told my kids the other day that once there were so few, there were only three channels or something. And then there was one, like, UhF station. There was literally nothing on. And sometimes there was a channel that you couldn't get. So the only thing that came in that we could get was a catholic mass. We sat there, like, watching it just because it came in. Just because it came in. Something you couldn't drag us to. We were like, well, maybe when he eats that wafer, something will happen.


Just sitting there in silence.


Yeah, that's kind of a cool chalice. I wonder if anything's going to happen to that chalice. It's sort of like raiders of the lost art, but there was just nothing on.


And then back to what happened then you would turn on the tv and it would snow. It was snow.


Yes, just snow.


Get snow.




And you were lucky if you got lines.




The lines meant something might come in. There might be a show coming in.


And if you move the antenna around.


Yeah, put some tinfoil on there.


But it's funny, I contrast that now with, we all have a million options. And I just sit there and I'm like, you can't find anything. But I used to watch a catholic mass that was in Providence, Rhode island, just because it came in. And I'm saying, godfather two restored. I don't think so. Citizen Cane.


And then you're, like, breaking bad.


Yeah, I could watch breaking. I don't think so. I heard the wire is really good.


It's insane. By the way, I watched the wire back then, and I recently, during the pandemic, I watched it. My God, is that a series? And then I finally got to the scene when they just say the curse word over and over that I'd heard about so many times.




And it's even better when you see it. You're just like this. It was such a good show.


You know what's funny is this is why I think sometimes that we're in a golden age of entertainment. People are always moaning about how life isn't as good now in one way or another or how the world's all going downhill. And I think, I have to say, I think the good television is better than anything that existed when I was a kid. Great. Movies are amazing. I'm stunned at the level of entertainment. There's a lot of stuff that. Okay, we get a lot of extra stuff. We get a lot of extra stuff. But the good is so good right now.


I mean. Yeah. Did you see anatomy of the fall?


Yes, I did. I watched that the other night.


I thought that was incredible.


My wife and I went in not knowing anything.


I didn't know anything either.


She said, you should watch this. And I said, don't you tell me what to do.


That went well.


Yeah. This is heading towards the plot of anatomy. But anyway, I didn't know anything about it. And I was just riveted.


I was riveted.


And then I was angry because we had agreed to meet a friend, and she started the movie. And let's say the movie is an hour and 45 minutes, and you had to. An hour and 30 minutes in. She said, we have to stop and go pick up our friend. And it's before you find out what's going to happen. And I lost it. And I said, you knew. You knew. And she was like, I miss. Timed it a little bit. Shut up. Let's go. But anyway, the whole time we're eating with our friend, you were waiting. All I'm thinking about is what's going to happen.


Oh, my God.


But it still held up. It worked out.


I thought that was a riveting, riveting, fantastic movie. And it was interesting to me to watch a movie that, in essence, is really small but felt so big. It was just so well done.


What's about so much?


Oh, God. I really.


Can you watch yourself?




Refreshing as much as possible.


My God, I'm on a loop in my house. Even on the bathroom. In the toilet? No, on the bathroom. In the toilet. On the tv. In the toilet. I don't even have a tv in the toilet. You can tell because I can't even say that.


I love that. Yeah.


I'm very comfortable watching myself. I like watching my work back for numerous reasons, particularly on blackish and stuff. Being able to see how something's being shot, what's being covered, what's working, what isn't working. I'm very vain, but I'm not very critical of, particularly with acting. I like when my face does weird things. When I watched candy Cane Lane, my response was, oh, great. My wig didn't look wiggy. And boy, do I make stupid facial expressions. I mean, the camera cuts to me, and I'm like, what the f*ck? My face is like, I love how stupid my face is.


You know, so it feels to me.


Like I just love that my. It does dumb things, and I'm not, because, you know, you look at some actresses sometimes, and the camera comes back to them and they're like. And you're like, what are you putting mascara on?


I wonder if having growing up with such an iconic mom in music and singer and in movies, if you knew early on, oh, I can be really funny in a way that sets me apart. It's my thing. Does that make sense?


You know, in one sense, it wasn't on purpose. It wasn't a conscious sort of shift. But, like, when I was 22, my mom said to me, it's time for you to record an album. Because I sang all through growing up, and I was like, no way. It felt too scary. I don't know that I consciously went towards being funny, but my dad, my personality is like his. He's hilarious. And I loved Carol Burnett and Lucille ball growing up, and I felt a real kinship with that kind of screwballness and the ability to kind of not care what you look like, which is, I think, because I've never done stand up, although I really want to. But the ability to kind of have that freedom in your body.




But it definitely has been my path. I mean, my name is Joy. My middle name is Joy. I wonder if it sort of just came out kind of bubbly.




But I don't know. It's such an interesting thing. I think I grew up always wanting to be a woman in a sparkly dress on a stage.


Me, too.


Right? How's that going?


Risk treatments. It's more expensive than I thought.


It's like skiing.


Yeah, well, it's funny because one of the things you said that I can relate to is one of the things that I've always loved about comedy is there's no vanity. I never think about how. I'll admit there are sometimes lately with high def cameras, and as I age, where I'm like, oh, my God, couldn't someone have told me that half my face rotted off before we shot that thing? But mostly, couldn't they have done some, taped that up a little bit before I went out there or put some.


Vaseline on the screen?


But mostly I know that if people like what I'm doing, it's not because they want to break off a chunk of that. I'm sorry, that's a phrase that's going to stick. I want to ride that horse and then break off a chunk.


Just no. Just no. I'm going to have nightmares.


Well, that's what I do for women. But I like the surrendering of vanity. That goes a lot with know. It's. You reference Lucille Ball and what people often forget and you don't think about it is you and Lucille Ball are very beautiful women who then do comedy really well. And so there's this thing where you can. I mean, Lucille Ball was stunningly glamorous, but felt nothing about, oh, yeah, put a prosthetic nose on it and let's have it catch fire. Or let's have me crying and have my face contorted. Let's have me stuffing chocolates into my mouth as you guys recreated on the Emmys the other night. This is just something that I love. Is the surrendering all that? Yeah, sure. I can look amazing if I want to, but I'm doing this right now.


I think there's also, for me, like, a sense of pure freedom where every choice is yours. And that for me, that it's like, literally from my little toe to the hairs on my head get to participate in the thing I'm doing. And I do love that there's no vanity involved. There really isn't. For me, I think the uglier I look, the better I think it is. I think it's funnier when there's a selflessness to how you lean in there. That Lucy bit was, I think it.


Was you, Natasha Leone, recreating the chocolate conveyor belt at the end.


I do believe I literally, before we went on stage, I was like, I mean, the little girl in me was jumping up and down. She was like, so excited and so excited. And then they forgot the prop of the papers. We had it in every rehearsal and I was trying to explain because people are like, it was so funny. I was like, but you have to understand, if you understand comedy, if you have nowhere to go and you have to start at the top, then you can't do the thing you do because there's nothing to work from. So it was slapstick and we went there. It was fine. I went there. I got to tell you guys, an hour later, after we took the wig off from the eyelashes, I took the smock thing off. There was a piece of chocolate. It had melted, so it was from up here. It was like, from between my boobs down to the top of my underwear, and it was just mush, chocolate everywhere. And then the caramel was all that was left. So it was just like a piece of caramel on my belly button. It was fantastic.


I stuffed a lot of chocolate in my gown in my little dress. It was dropping out while I was reading the presentation.


There's just a trail of chocolate following you wherever you go.




I wish I was thinking about Amy Sederis, who is also, she's a very attractive person who goes out of her way and has her whole life to tape up her nose, do anything. She could wear old lady's clothes. She was doing this when she was a kid and it would drive her mother crazy because her mother was saying, you're an attractive young woman. What are you doing?


My mom would always say, fix her face. Why are you making all those fate. I would be telling a story and she would like, touch between my eyes and be like, I'm like, I'm trying to tell a. Sorry, Amy.


Your poor mom. My mom with me, I was constantly contorting my face and doing over the top bits. And she would say, your face is going to freeze that way. It's going to freeze. It's going to freeze. And I thought, well, first of all, that would be cool because I could go through life, I could work in the circus, and it would just be like, I don't know, it'd be a lot of fun. I wasn't scared of my face freezing, but when I did over the top bit. And I think if on this podcast we never get to grades, I won't allow it.


No, I'm going to say I have one, but I'm not going to tell it. I have two. Great fun.


Yeah, there's no time. Anyway, so the other day I'm having this beef stew and this beef stew.


It had beef in it. Who knew?


All right, go tell us these. But I mean, talking about. We're talking about contorting your faces.


Parents and Parents. Mom's responses. So, one was, my grandmother used to say that it was Tracy had the twelve year old, the ten year old giggles, eleven year old, and then it was just like, okay, they're not going anywhere. And so I was like, I was just like, getting out of my body. I was like, it's dinner time. And it would drive my sister crazy. Rhonda was like, oh, my God. And my mom was like, tracy, would you like to go outside and get the giggles out? And I would be like, I would. I would like to go outside and get the giggles out. So I would go out of the sliding glass door, outside dinner. My family's in there just eating dinner. And I'm out, like, bouncing outside the door. And I'm like, I'd come back in and I'd be like. She'd be like, did you get them out? I'll be like, I don't know. No, I think there's more. And I'd go back. So that's one story. Poor mom trying to do her best old diner off, sitting there like, oh, my God, I made a problem child. So then the other is when I moved out here to had my mom is Dineros.


Just for reference on this story, I take full responsibility for her career. Anyway.


You made her?


I did. If it weren't for me. I don't know. Those supremes ain't no mountain high enough. What the boss? No one.


None of it.


Central park concert. That was my idea. So when I moved out here to LA, I had my version of no money. I'm just going to be honest. My version of my money was like, I had my mom's credit card. I was living in a beautiful apartment, but I had no cash, okay? So I used to do things that I could do with the credit card. Like, I would go. I would ask people if they wanted me to get them gas or at dinner. I'd be like, I'll pay. Give me the cash. I was like an atm, right? So I made a video, a dvd at the time. It was a vhs video of me doing all my characters because I used to tell stories as these different people. So I dressed up in all these different. There was madame Iver, who I still do. There was Susie sushi. There was Broadway girl who was singing an improv Christmas holiday song, all this stuff. And then I old school edited it together, and I sent out 52 videos to everyone in my world saying, happy holidays. And at the end of it said, no judgment. Happy holidays.


And it was me, like, doing a ridiculous. It was insane. I go home for Christmas, and my mom's like, can we talk? And I was like, yeah, what's up? Let's go to my room. Oh, sh*t. If your mom wants to bring you to the room. So we sit down on the edge on the side of her bed. She's sitting next to me. She was like, how many of those. She was so serious. How many of those videos did you send out? I said, 52. And she was like, can we get them back? I was like, no. I think she literally was like, this is a comment on parenting. Like, I failed my child, and she has sent out, like, a calling card of the failed parenting.


She later understood. But I do think it was a little bit like, what have I done?


Like, you're going to end up on inside edition of what is Diana Ross.


Doing to her children?


Like the other 135 characters.


Dancing for her. Wham. I don't know what. Anyway, it changed my career. It launched me into. People are like, oh, is that who you are? But, yeah.


Is it true that you have. Because you do all these characters, that you have photographs of them. Do you have photographs of your other personas, like, framed?


Yes. And by the way, I'm in a temporary place right now, and as you walk in, it's lined up. It's like the wall of crazy, like, all the versions of me. There's Madame. There is a really special one that I have performed as, done things as. I used to post her videos all the time. And then Callibi Champagignon has her own page. She is a fashion architect, not a stylist. She's not french, but she only speaks with a french accent. But she can't speak French at all.


No knowledge of French, especially from Detroit. It's a great idea.


Yeah, but she is very connected to the french accent treat. Which part made you laugh that hard? My mother. No, the Detroit part. Detroit. Poor thing.


I'm curious about something, because you did your first big success, which is girlfriends, right. You're doing that show, and then that show ends. And I always thought. Right. You went right into blackish.


Oh, God, no.


And that's how other people can experience your career. When I think about you, I think of just, oh, since the first time I heard your name, you've been a success. But seriously, that's how it can feel to other people. And there was, like a six year gap or something between your gap girlfriend and blackish, because when I'm around you, it just seems so obvious that there should be a camera on you all the time. What do you think happened in that? I agree. Yeah.


I don't know. Well, I think some of know is the segregation of Hollywood. And UPN then turned into CW, and we were on what is considered a black show. So there were so many people who knew our show, and we were a huge success, but there were also. The majority of the industry did not got it. And so I really did think after being on a show that I considered a hit that was so beloved for eight years as the lead that the pearly gates of Hollywood were going to open when it finished, they did not. They were locked. There were no scripts. There was nothing. And that's actually when I started moving my characters more to the forefront and doing the other things that I do. And then I did a show on BEt called read between the lines did that for, I want to say a year and a half, but even before girlfriends. So lyricist lounge came first, which was a hip hop sketch comedy show. It was fantastic. Really fun. Did a lot of characters on there. But preceding that were years and years of auditioning, being dropped from the Gersh agency.


The woman, the agent said to me, she said, you just don't pop. She said, you come with all these things, these bells and whistles. You're pretty. Your mom's famous, you have good style, but then you get in the room and nothing happens. So we're going to drop you. I mean, I carried that punch for so long, I was like, oh, a person who doesn't pop. I'm a non popping person. You need to pop as an actor. You gotta pop. I couldn't pop.


Isn't it crazy, though, how when time goes by and then you look at those statements, it's so appallingly wrong and it's making me think of, we had Harrison Ford. We're sitting in the chair you're in. And he was talking about how he's had Harrison Ford success. Just insane. But he remembers the guy's name who told him in the 1960s, and he remembered exactly what he told him. Jerry Tchovsky, Jerry Tikovsky. And he kept saying his name over and over again, but it was still a burning coal lodged right under his sternum.


Oh, yeah.


And I'm thinking, well, wouldn't like at least two of the Indiana Jones movies have gotten rid of that burning hatred. Forget the other. Like, no. And what I know, just because it's human nature, is those things still burn even years later.


Yeah, I remember there's a couple. We all have them. I think my mom has one. Like, everybody's got them. And to a certain extent, they become your fuel and they help you answer questions or they take you down. I think I've transcended. I think I pop. I hope I pop. I want to pop. You pop. You were one of the first late night shows that I went on. But I remember when I was on girlfriends, I could not get on a late night show. And I remember the Tonight show. It was Jay Leno at the time and the talent booker. I will never forget what she said because I was like, you have to tell me. I don't understand. You have to tell me. And they kept saying, call us when she gets something. And I was like, but you guys got to tell me what I got to go get because I don't get it. But those are the kinds of things that they become this mystery that you.


There's a very frustrating thing I got out here, and remember there was this catch 22 of, well, you can't get a job. You can't get a job as a writer unless you have an agent, and no agent wants to see you unless you have a job.


It's insane.


And you can't get a job if you're not in the union. But the union won't let you in the union unless you have a job.




And so I remember thinking, this is impossible. And there are these things that you encounter early on, and I'm saying this as a white male. I'll be open. I had about as grease to track as anyone can have at that time, but now I'm old. But I remembered thinking, this is tricky. And I didn't have a fraction of the difficulties that you're talking about, where you're saying, I've been on a show, but it's considered a black show, and the rest of the industry doesn't seem to recognize.


Yeah. The realization of some of those things were fascinating. I remember on blackish, I went to do my first looping session, my first ADR session, and the sound guy, they had said, he's a very famous sound guy. He just done all the shows. He's big at all the studios, and he was like, it's like, you're like a seasoned vet. I just loved seeing such a newcomer look like you're so experienced. I said, what do you mean? And he said, well, I mean, you've never been on a show. And I said, no, I was on a show. Well, I mean, it wasn't a comedy. And I was like, no, it was a comedy. But it wasn't said, no, no, it was prime time. He went through the whole. He's like, but you weren't the lead. I was wrong about God, is this a comedy routine? Are you a plan?


But you're not a woman. Yes, I am a woman.


Your name's not Tracy, but it is. And he said, my God, I've got to go look up this show. I was like, yeah, you should look it up. Maybe you should shut up. My God. Yeah, it's a fascinating. The industry. It is. But it is also interesting to think of how it's changed. I mean, growing up and having three networks or whatever it was, and then all of a sudden, you get a new one. There was UPN, and you know what I mean? And now it's just, I don't even know where to go to find things. I have to google the name of the show that someone told. And where do you stream it? I write, and then sometimes it still doesn't give me good answers. It gives me all these things, and I'm like, I don't know what to do here.


I will often figure out where it is, the thing I want to see. And then I will go to that streamer that I know that we are signed up for. Yes, but it will say, no, I'm not letting you in unless you give me these 75 different passcodes. And my wife knows those, and I don't. And often I crumple to my knees and a camera lifts up to the ceiling and I go, no. Like, God himself has betrayed me. And it's just like, no, text your wife. No, she doesn't allow that anymore.


I take the remote and I'm like, I just get so angry. I just want to watch a show. But you can't get in.


Yeah, I know. They already have my money. They already have my money.


It says, you don't have that version of. I'm like, what do you mean? I swear to God, I paid the version. I did it last time. I can't.


Where is the love?


I hate it.


I love knowing that nobody escapes this. Meaning the thing that I love is nobody escapes it. And I remember once talking to President Obama on this podcast, and he was. I don't know if it was even off mic, but he started talking about how he remember being in the Oval office and they couldn't get the phone to work. And, like, two people came in and, like, you're in the Oval office. He had to get on customer service with Spectrum Internet himself and stay alone.


Barack. Barack.


It's CK. Not just the k, just representative.


Representative. Representative. Press one. Yes.


Are you a sitting president? Press one. They even have a whole president section. Are you a two term or one term president?


And then you try and have someone else do it? I'm so sorry. We'll have to speak to the actual person.


No, it's so funny because it made me happy. And then when I talked to Biden recently and he invited me into the Oval Office, all I could do was stare at the phone. And guess what? It looks like a phone anywhere. What if Biden, of all people, was super tech savvy? I got it all on a universal remote. I programmed it myself. It's all on an app.


Check it out. He's like, I control it from my.


No, no, I made an app. You made an app? Are you familiar with oculus rift? Be great. If he was the most tech savvy.


President of all time, that's great. I wish that were so. I really do.


Hey, you know, 99.9% chance it isn't. But you never know.


You never know.


But no, that open. You're talking about that feeling of there are all these years where you're saying, hey, I'm Tracy Ellis Ross. I know, I'm really good. And then there's that moment. Well, hold on. Maybe you weren't saying that. I was going around saying, hey, I'm Tracy Ellis Ross.


I'm really good.


And people would say, I think you're mentally ill and there's some gender confusion. But no, I could see there are years where you think you have something to offer and it seems like that part takes forever. But then you look back, then you look back later on, and it all kind of happened the way maybe it was going to happen. I don't know. Maybe that's too nice to view of it.


I don't know. The thing that I find fascinating is how long it felt while it was happening. And when you look back, how fast it was. Because when you're 51, you know, I remember as a kid that three months for summer break seemed like an eternal God. Yeah, it was like three months. Like, what am I going to do for three months? And then there was, like, no plan, and it was, like, horrible. And now three months is such a short amount of time, right? And so there's a sense of that, like, even during the pandemic, it felt like an eternity. And I do think I didn't walk around thinking, what did you say? That I was good. What was it? Tracy sales Ross. And I'm good.


You must have known that you had something really good to offer.


No, I hoped I did. And I think it took me a long time to realize that I did. I knew I was something, but I didn't know what I had to. You know what I mean?




I mean, you have to have a certain amount of confidence to lean into this business. But I think a lot of the things and the roadblocks that I hit gave me enough doubt that it was like, am I nuts here? And then now you look back. I don't know. I mean, it's such an interesting thing because I don't know that I believe it every day. You know, I know who I am as a person. I know my worth as a human being. But I think that's why even doing that Lucy sketch was like I hadn't acted since I finished Candy Cane Lane last March. So almost a year strikes all these things, and I hadn't done that thing. And I have a beauty company, a beauty brand that's doing incredibly well. I've been a businesswoman for the last year. I do speaking engagements, and that's a big way that I pay for other parts of who I am. And I hadn't done that thing. And I got off that stage and I was like, I love this so much. And I went to the governor's awards this year, and Mel Brooks was being honored. And they showed his real with, like, gene Wilder and Nathan Lane and Broderick, like, got up there and did Broadway singing thing, and I'm like, this is like, this stuff lights me up.


I get a kid that's just like, oh, my God, is that a star? It's something in me that I love. It lights me up. Whether I was good at it or not, I didn't totally know. And I don't know that I have any interest in investing in whether I'm that good at it or not, as long as I'm happy doing it.


I think there has to be doubt. I just always think there has to be.


I would prefer to be a person with a little doubt than a person who has too much confidence. Some people I'm like, but what are you? You're wrong.


But also, when I watch television and I see most talking heads, they're 100% sure about everything they're saying. Most politicians are 100% sure what they're saying. And I think, can't we get back to having respect for people who say it's difficult? I never think things are a sure thing. Anything I'm connected with, I'm always worried. I hope it goes well.


Don't you think that leans you towards doing your best and continuing to try? And also, I do think that the death of a career is when you think you know everything, when you're not teachable, I don't know. The death of a human experience, to stay curious and teachable is kind of the thing that keeps you growing, keeps you moving, keeps you connected to other people, keeps you being one among many and not just this singular thing.




I don't know.


I'm curious if, because you mentioned the beauty brand, which I know is a huge success, and the name of it.


Is pattern, pattern beauty, pattern beauty. We're a hair care brand right now. Okay.


Is there anything for you? For me? And also I'm curious now, hold on. I'm going somewhere. Stopping you.


I'm just really. I know about your brand. It just makes it even funnier.


I just wondering. I have iconic hair. You do have iconic is.


There are products for you. You can use our stronghold gel. Yes.


And maybe you would want to put my face on the box. This is a. You okay? Sona, you all right? You're drinking a lot of water over there.


You should keep talking.


Well, I'm just saying it's something that I would offer up. And now you're having water.


Why is everyone.


Why is everyone having so much water? Eduardo doesn't seem to have any water. That's good. I'm just offering that up.


We are a brand that exceeds the needs of the curly, coily, and tight texture community, or anyone that needs hydration in their hair. But our content is centered around the celebration of black beauty. And I don't think you check that.


I don't feel seen at this moment.


I don't see you right now.


Because you are invisible. I'm saying we've got to break this barrier. I've got to be part of.


Don't you think?




There's so many things you can be part of. You can use the products. Yeah.


Why aren't you pursuing irish spring or something? I went to them. They're not interested either.




The Irish won't claim me.


The Irish. Irish won't claim me.


Yeah, just no one wants me.


Still exists. That smelled so fresh.


No, it did. Really did.


It's still around, by the way, this is a question I love asking people. Bar or liquid soap?


I like bar. Well, I use both. It depends on what's there. But I like a bar.


Okay, liquid.


I'm bar, but my wife buys liquid, so me too.


Okay. What are you? Liquid. Okay. Yeah. When I discovered liquid, I was like.


Oh, my God, what is this bar for? That's true.


I have another question. I'm really dying. I want to know what time everyone wakes up in the morning.


Well, this morning, my dog, Loki, woke me up. Woke me up at 06:00 a.m. I don't know why, but woke me, insisted.


Loki didn't need to go to the bathroom.


Well, he went outside, but then he, like, loitered and smoked a cigarette. His name is Loki really asking for it? He didn't look. It was like my kids came up with that name because they said it's the God of mischief. And sure enough, he grew into his name. Or they saw that in him. But, yeah, he woke me up at 06:00 a.m.. Usually if I can get to seven, that's like, perfect for me.


Were you always an early riser, or is it just since you've become a grown up?


No, I think, left to my own devices, as a young man, I would really sleep in, but I think that's a young man's game. And then I think I don't really do that anymore, but, yeah. What about you? What time do you. Well, I have a two year old, so even if she doesn't, I'm up at five or 530.


You're five or five?


Yeah, I'm baked in.


Same thing. I have two toddlers.


Why did you say one?


I don't know.


That is so weird.


Why do you hate Mikey? Why do you think it's Mikey?


Because we know it's Mikey.


No, I love them. I have twins, and they're two and a half. And so, yeah, anywhere between five. So you don't sleep anymore? I don't, no, I really don't. Maybe when they're 15. No. God, is it that long? Might be three months.


Goes by like this, so don't worry about it.


No, I know I'm not an early riser, but I am.


What about you?


I'm somewhere between 630 and 8630 and 730.


I would say, must be okay.


But I always used to be an early riser. I was a person who did my homework. In the morning. I would wake up at like, 530 when in school. I don't know why. I think I was so tired when I got home. I would just kind of conk out. But I think it's such an interesting question. I'm so intrigued with what time people wake up in the morning. People's morning Routine is fascinating to me.


The first big Hollywood party I ever went to, it was a ridiculous Hollywood party, and everybody was there. And I'm just wandering.


Give us a couple names.


Well, I'm going, you know, Tom Cruise is there. Not familiar, like Barbra streis. Like, all these big names are there. And I'm wandering through the hallway, and all of a sudden, I swear to God, warren Beatty steps. He, like, slid into view and went, Conan, how much sleep do you need tonight?




Out of nowhere. I had never met him before. He just slid in as if he was on a rail. Like, just like. And cue Warren. And they slid him in, and he went, Conan, looking impeccable. How much sleep do you need tonight? And I said, I need at least eight. And he was like, I need nine to ten. And then he slid out again. So it was like a carnival ride. It was like Mr. Toad's wild ride where I'm going through in a little cart, and then the Warren Beatty comes in, asks me the question. I reply, and he said, I need nine to ten, and then slides out again, and my little cart kept moving.


That is really a great story.


That's what happened. I knew nine to ten, and he split out also.


What? How do you.


There's a reason he looks that good. I mean, it's genetics. But also, I think he was just sleeping when you didn't see him on camera, he was like, sleeping.


Action. Cut. I'm going to bed.




Nine to ten is just neat.


I can't imagine.


I don't think my body could. It would just be like, no, I must wake up. No, I could. You could sleep. But, like, on a regular basis or just like, to catch up. If I have health, if I take an edible, absolutely. I can easily sleep.


She has an alarm that wakes her up every hour, and she takes three edibles. That's a true story.


Every hour.


Terrible. Terrible addict. Anyway, I want to make sure I get the word out, too. On cold copy.


That's where you end. Come on.


Terrible addiction. Anyway, we're worried about her. Yeah.


Oh, my God.


Mother to twins. Well, I want to make sure we get the word out on cold copy, because this is out now. Cold copy is out now.


It is. Cold copy is out now. I play a cutthroat, high end journalist.


And you're in, like, a death grip battle with another journalist.


Well, she's my protege, played by Belle Powley. And, yeah, I don't think I smile once in the movie. I've got a serious bang. Lot of bangs on the face, and it was really fun. I smirk in the movie when I successfully manipulate.


It's fun to play mean. It's fun to be cutthroat. It's fun to let that dog out to play.


It was so fun and so going for just since blackish, I've had, like, a real opportunity to play some fun, different things. But this was particularly juicy. Yeah. Cold copy is in theaters.


Well, there's a lot to congratulate you on here, and I can't even list it all, but your day starts with being in an Oscar nominated film.




And I will say this, having had you on the show a couple of times, and you've been on our show twice, I love it. I love it when I get to be around you, because you have so much energy. You pop. Yeah, you pop. You pop. You pop. I was looking for the word, and I was going to go with pop. And then I thought, well, no, we've been told by the Gersh agency you don't pop.


Lindsay Porter.


Put her on the board. We're coming for you. We're coming for you.


Add that to Jerry Tachovsky.


No. I am so happy for you, and you deserve all good things. And thank you for being here and making time for us. Oh, my gosh.


My pleasure. I enjoy sitting with you all the time. So much fun. Because I'm delighted about being your friend.


There you go. See what I tell you? Bookended. Bookended. All right. Thank you so much.


Thank you.






I believe you have the mic.


Okay. I already talked to you about this because I made you pay me back in some way, but I made a hair appointment four months ago that was just barely going to be getting me in time today for our recording session. And then I find out you want to record earlier. So I have to cancel my appointment and then I pay the full price for the appointment and then say how much that is. I'm not going to do that. I will. $300.


Don't do.


I don't want $300 thinking I'm bougie.


Hold it.


It was at super cuts. It was $45.


Super cuts?


Yeah. I don't know if supercuts is still around, but.


So it wasn't super cuts. Hold on a second. I'm going to dish out some reality here, but come on. You keep going.


Well, what I'm saying. So I got not upset, but I was frustrated. So then we went and ate just now, and I'm not even that hungry, but I ordered a sandwich and I ordered almost every pastry they have because I knew Conan was paying.




You loaded up banana.


Yeah. And you ordered a Porsche boxster while you're at the counter.


So much more than being delivered in an hour.


Okay, here's the chain. I was up really early this morning dealing with some stuff and very early. And then I realized we're not starting till one in the afternoon. I can go earlier. And this is how I thought. I thought, I can go earlier if it's okay with the gang and if it works for them. Meaning sometimes, because you guys have little kids, I think maybe if you can get in and out faster, it's better for you. So here's what I write. This is my text to Adam Sachs. By the way, I'm happy to go earlier today at noon if that helps anyone, period. Or not, comma, whatever. That change things a bit. Then I hear from Adam. Is that your preference? I'll send an email.


If so, why'd you make Adam's voice like that?


Because he's just like, you can tell he's craving. It's not a direct imitation, but it does capture. Now, listen to this. And then I said, feels like it might be good to get going, but I'm only putting this out there if it works well for Matt and Sona. Okay, that's. And look at this one is also fine. That is my text. And then it says, everyone is good to go at noon. Now, this is a phenomenon that I'm familiar with where I say, you know, it might be nice if people want some tea. I could have tea brought in. Is that what you want, Conan? My point is, there's this game of telephone that happens, and I have a really good example of it, which is when I first got the late night job, you know me, I am a pathologically chatty person who likes to get to know people. Say hi. And I noticed that none of the interns would look at me, and I thought, oh, they must really hate my comedy. They must really despise me. And then I found out after, like, two years that it was a holdover from the previous late night regime.


You're not supposed to look at the host. And it was this game of telephone. Like, don't you look at Conan. And so I think that based on my texts, these charges are outrageous. Go ahead.


I have a rebuttal.


The distinguished gentlewoman from Altadina.


Yes. Matt could make it. And what I was thinking, I was like, I know that if I tell everyone we have to start at one because I have a hair appointment, I will not hear the end of it from.


No, no, you misunderstand. No, no, Conan, no. First of all, Conan, today, Sesame Street's brought to you by the number two.


Conan, you.


No, no. First of all, I have an interest in you getting your hair worked on. Wow. Worked on? Well, I'm just saying it's a mess sometimes.


I didn't have any product in today because I thought I was getting my hair done.


Well, I'm saying sometimes you come in and I feel like if I shook you, office supplies would fall out. Oh, no. But, I mean, she's not helping your case. But what I'm saying.


I need more pastries.


Listen, shake your hair, you asshole. I'm sorry. I'm on your side. If she sneezes, three crawlers are going to fall out. Sona. Sona. I would have said, fine. Please get the hair taken care of. Get that sh*t taken care of. That's what I would have said. You know what I mean?


No, you wouldn't have.




You would have been like, oh, she needs to get her hair done. Here's the analogy. Like, two months.


Here's the analogy. Sona. What if you heard, like Sona said, you know what? It would be good for me if I could go at noon. And I said, I can do that. I'll just cancel my appointment with my psychopharmacologist. And that's okay, because he was going to up my prozac. You'd say, no, go get the Prozac. Yeah, well, I'm saying you got to get that hair taken care of. Could it be that all this rivalry and all our contention on this podcast is actually the fault of these middlemen that are handling these communications? Oh, definitely.


It's his fault.


No, because I knew the. And this is not your fault. I'm not victim blaming here. But why didn't you just say, I can't do it?


Yeah, because I don't want him to make fun of me. Look at your smile.


I'm smiling because you think this stopped me making fun of you. I just switched to the other position. We started the segment to grill him, and now it's turned to where he's making fun of. All I did was switch to the I wish you had gone to the hair appointment, because you've got to get that hair straightened out and fixed. That's all I.


You know what I mean. Come on.


For you to say I did all this, I gave up this. And what do you mean you made this appointment months ago? Are you meeting with the Dalai Lama who's cutting your hair? Ongoing saga. She's been trying to get in with this person.


I got in with another person who I actually really liked. I got my hair cut from her by her, and then she made an appointment for me four months from that date. Four months only. Get it four months later because she was doing it. Otherwise, I would have to wait.


And you already changed it once for this day, right?


No, I didn't. I just talked to her about earlier.


Guys, can I make a suggestion? Sona, as you know, I went to Armenia with you. It's kind of a famous episode, and I am. Listen, I am a bit of an icon in the armenian community. I'm not bragging. I'm just saying I am an icon, and that's not bragging. Wait a minute. I'm looking that up. What I just said. Oh, yes. That's a total insane, no delusional brag.


Kind of true.


But anyway, because I have love you, I have some street cred with the armenian community. Okay. So I say we call this woman, we talk to her on mic, and I say we need to make an appointment.


Why do you think she's armenian?


Oh, my God.


You think I just go to all armenian people for things?


Yes. Is she.


Not. I said that as a joke. She's not armenian.


Again. And this has nothing to do sweating.


And I'm wearing a sweater.


Can we do a two parter and we'll call her on the next segment? Yeah.




Which community is she from? Because maybe I have street cred in that community.


No, she's half black. You're definitely not.


Are you kidding? I am loved in the black community.


I don't know.


I just said that. It's not true. But I go around saying that at the top of my lungs all the time. Yeah. When I walk down the street, sometimes I just shout, I am loved in the black community. It's a form of Tourette's I have.


Which is exactly why you're probably.


We should get Eb on Mike and find out if I'm loved in the black community.


Really? Should. She won't do it. Black out her camera, but she'll do it.


We don't say black out her camera. That's racist. But listen, it's not your fault. It's the way you were brought up.


Well, you thought that she was armenian. Just because I'm armenian and you think all armenian things.


Do you go to mostly armenian people to deal with things in your life? Do you or do you not? Where do you get your chinese food from? Armand Dalabasian makes the best wanton in town.


He does make good.


I think we need to get this person on the phone. We'll do another segment. We do have to cover the greater issue of the fact that the schedule changes so much around here that you don't even see how much we're juggling things to try to make this okay. Well, see, this is the problem. I am never going to change anything again. Do you guys prefer. And this is me. I'm sure we're talking about this. We're talking about this stuff directly. If we're scheduled to go at one, would you prefer noon? If noon's possible. Or would you rather it just. I figured you would. I like eleven even, because then there's less traffic going home. What about you, Sona?


Look, I'm going to be completely honest. This is the one day I actually had something that conflicted oh my God.


That's right. I forgot. You have nothing to do. You can't even get your hands on your children because you have 30 family members. When was the last time you physically saw your children? Was it April? I think April was the last time you saw.


What I'm saying is I am very flexible.


What do you prefer? We've talked about this.


I know. I actually prefer earlier too. I think we did it earlier and then we changed it later so there was time to eat. But you don't eat.


I don't eat a lot. No, I'm trying to stay lean for the camera. But then you're going into a 01:00 session with no lunch and you got no steam. If we went on eleven, you're still riding high on breakfast. But listen to me, with no food. That's what I mean at one. Look how good that is. You're afraid it's going to be too good. I'm afraid there's a level of good that people can handle. Do you know what I mean? No. Yeah.


What did you write?


He just wrote rap. Because I just said, talking about how good you are, rap me with low blood sugar, dark side of the moon, and then you want to make that album ten times better. I don't think people can handle it, man. I don't think people can handle it. All right. I think we learned nothing in this segment other than there is a major communications problem. Because I did read you the actual texts. I was trying to be considerate and then it turns into the monster demands. We all scramble in there at noon, which was not the message.


You are really nice. And also our schedule is not.


What was that? I'm really. What?


I'm not going to say.


I'll edit it out.


Don't worry about it.


Thank you.


What I'm going to say is it is a very flexible schedule. There's very little justification. I have to not be available.


Yeah, and you got to get the hair.


Come on. I am actually being nice.


I know. And I'm being nice too, as a friend. I mean, you can't walk around. That thing's going in a million different directions at once.


Say anything about the fact that I was so scared about the bits that would come knowing that I've.


They came anyway.


I know, man.




It's not safe now.


You've been hit with bits. You've been bit hit and you're out $300. All right, continue. Yeah. Gorley will make up the 300. That's on him. No. All right, peace out. Conan O'Brien needs a friend with Conan O'Brien, sonum of session and Matt Goreley produced by me Matt Goreley executive produced by Adam Sachs, Nick Liao and Jeff Ross at Team Coco and Colin Anderson and Cody Fisher at Earwolf theme song by the White Stripes incidental music by Jimmy Vivino take it away, Jimmy. Our supervising producer is Aaron Blair and our associate talent producer is Jennifer. Samples engineering and mixing by Eduardo Perez and Brendan Burns. Additional production support by Mars Melnick Talent Booking by Paula Davis, Gina Batista and Britt Kahn. You can rate and review this show on Apple Podcasts, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Got a question for Conan? Call the team Cocoa hotline at 669-587-2847 and leave a message. It, too, could be featured on a future episode. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Conan O'Brien needs a friend wherever fine podcasts are downloaded.


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